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"I have her photograph upstairs," Henry went on, "I'll go and get it. You'd like to see it, wouldn't you?" "Deed an' I would," she answered. He got the photograph and gave it to her, and she took it in her hands and looked at it very steadily. "She's a comely-lookin' girl," she said, handing it to him again. "She has sweet eyes an' a proud way of holdin' her head. She shud be a good wife to you.

But why shud we give thim a vote, says I. What have they done to injye this impeeryal suffrage that we fought an' bled f'r?

Th' good woman is at home all day. Th' on'y people she sees is th' childher an' th' neighbors. While th' good man in a swallow- tail coat is addhressin' th' Commercial club on what we shud do f'r to reform pollytics, she's discussin' th' price iv groceries with th' plumber's wife an' talkin' over th' back fince to the milkman. Thin O'Leary moves up on th' boolyvard.

'I may've read it in th' Bible, though I think I saw it in a scand'lous book me frind Rhodes left in his bedroom las' time he called on me, that ye shud niver discard an ace to dhraw to a flush, he says. 'I deplore th' language but th' sintimint is sound, he says.

"I would ha' knocked out the king's brains there and then, but the trader caught my hand, and said, in a great fright, that if I did, it would not only cost me my life, but likely the whole party; so that cooled me, and I come away; an' I'm goin' to ax the captin wot we shud do." "We can do nothing," said the doctor sadly. "Even suppose we were strong enough to punish them, what good would it do?

"Miché," she replied, looking up again with a tear standing in either eye, and then looking down once more as she began to speak, "I thing I thing she's lonesome." "You thing?" She nodded. "Ah! Madame Carraze," he said, partly extending his hand, "you see? 'Tis impossible to mague you' owze shud so tighd to priv-en dad. Madame, I med one mizteg." "Ah, non, Miché!" "Yez.

But," he performed a circle with his pipe stem, and darted it as from the centre thereof toward Stephen's breast, with the poser, "do we s'pport thieves at public expense for them to keep thievin' black, white, or brown no matter, eh? Well, then, if the public wunt bear it, dang me if I can see why individles shud bear it.

But if Dorgan's cow shud stand up on her hind legs, kick over the bucket, chase Dorgan out iv th' lot, put on a khaki unyform, grab hold of a Mauser rifle an' begin shootin' at me, I wudden't be more surprised thin I am at th' idee iv Japan bein' wan iv th' nations iv th' wurruld. I don't see what th' subjick races got to kick about, Hinnissy. We've been awfully good to thim.

He says to himsilf, he says: 'They'se nawthin' f'r me to do, he says, 'but load up me little lyddite cannon with th' green goods, he says, 'an' set here at the organ, he says, 'pull out th' stops an' paint th' town iv Pretoria green, he says. 'But, he says, 'on sicond thought, suppose th' inimy shud hand it back to me, he says. 'Twud be oncomfortable, he says.

"Th' Hon'rable Joe Choate moved that in all future wars horses shud be fed with hay wheriver possible. Carrid. A long informal talk on th' reinthroduction iv scalpin' followed. At last th' dillygate fr'm Chiny arose an' says he: 'I'd like to know what war is. What is war annyhow? 'Th' Lord knows, we don't, says th' chairman.