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Updated: August 14, 2024

Nevertheless, they get there all the same, albeit in a different spirit. Timorous and trembling, our faint-hearted modern lovers gird on their new frock-coats and step shrinkingly into the arena where awaits them radiant and triumphant the determined being whose will has brought them thither.

Never before was there so much to live for. She could have been a martyr in any age and in any horrible form for conscience' sake, but she would have met her fate tremblingly, shrinkingly, and with intense longings for life. And yet with all this instinctive dread, her trust in God and His promises would not fail.

She couldn't tell him why their faultless friend was so isolated, so unrelated, so nervously, shrinkingly proud. Everard Ryves, who was a "most rising" young man in the city, not making any year less than his clear twelve hundred. "Now that he isn't there to make them, his mourning widow can't live as she had then, can she?" Mrs. Bundy asked.

"A rustler who didn't pack guns!" muttered Venters. "He wears no belt. He couldn't pack guns in that rig.... Strange!" A low, gasping intake of breath and a sudden twitching of body told Venters the rider still lived. "He's alive!... I've got to stand here and watch him die. And I shot an unarmed man." Shrinkingly Venters removed the rider's wide sombrero and the black cloth mask.

'Yes yes it was there. 'And how did you manage to buy this furniture? Clara asked, after a pause. 'Well, my dear, to tell you the truth it was a friend as an old friend helped us a bit. 'You wouldn't care to say who it was? John was gravely embarrassed. Clara moved her head a little, so as to regard him, but at once turned away, shrinkingly, when she met his eyes.

"The sun's rising now over the country," he thought, recalling the mornings of his childhood, the fields with their sheen of silvery dew, and the sun suddenly coming and changing them into thousands of sparkling diamond drops. Ah, if one could once more run bare-footed, if a little shrinkingly, out into the dewy grass, and shout a greeting to the dawning day: "Get up, Sun! Pelle is here already!"

"No; it's my brother Karl," said Nilen. "Then Niels is gone," said Ole plaintively. "Then Niels is gone." The others had nothing to answer; it was a matter of course that Niels would be lost. Ole stood for a little while shrinkingly, as if expecting that some one would say it was Niels. He dried his eyes, and tried to make it out for himself, but they only filled again.

Truth is, I had received a note that morning which had excited me. It referred to Mrs. Falchion. For I was an arch-plotter or had been. I received a note in reply which said that she would do as I wished. Meanwhile I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of some one. That night a letter came to Roscoe. After reading it shrinkingly he handed it to me.

He looks shrinkingly and shudderingly into a possible depth, and he sees, going down into the abyss, a ladder with three rungs on it. The topmost one is wilful, self-conscious transgression. But that is not the lowest stage; there is another step. Presumptuous sin tends to become despotic sin.

In her eyes there was the divine look of motherhood. "Peace be to this house!" said the man gently as he stepped forward from the door. The father, startled, turned shrinkingly on him, as if he had seen a spirit. "M'sieu' le cure!" he said in French, with an accent much poorer than that of the priest, or even of his own son. He had learned French from his wife; he himself was English.

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