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'I'll wait till one, he thought, 'while I'm about it. But just then he started up, and shrinkingly sat down again. A woman had come out in a cream-coloured frock, and was moving away under a fawn-coloured parasol. Irene herself! He waited till she was too far away to recognise him, then set out after her.

The father, startled, turned shrinkingly on him, as though he had seen a spirit. "M'sieu' le curé!" he said in French, with an accent much poorer than that of the priest, or even of his own son. He had learned French from his wife; he himself was English. The priest's quick eye had taken in the lighted candles at the little shrine, even as he saw the painfully changed aspect of the man.

The latter whispered to the impatient lover that the lady felt her position keenly, and begged that she might be left to herself for a time until her feelings became composed. Shrinkingly and in silence she climbed into the cart. Moore followed, and a start was made along the Boshof road. The first stopping-place was at a wayside hotel a few miles out.

"Trifle, eh?" said my uncle, drawing himself up, and looking the fierce colonel of dragoons. "Frank!" "Yes, uncle," I said shrinkingly. "You are in some scrape." "Yes, uncle." "What have you been doing?" "Oh, Charles, pray pray " cried my mother. "Hush," he said, holding up his hand. "Now, sir, speak out." "Really, my dear Charley " cried the General.

"Does it take three or four years?" asked Mrs. Hudson, imploringly. "That depends upon the artist's aptitude. After twenty years a real artist is still studying." "Oh, my poor boy!" moaned Mrs. Hudson, finding the prospect, under every light, still terrible. "Now this study of the living model," Mr. Striker pursued. "Inform Mrs. Hudson about that." "Oh dear, no!" cried Mrs. Hudson, shrinkingly.

Shrinkingly she told me of her one attempt to make friends with some high-class people, and the uncompromising rebuff she had received upon their discovering she was an Eurasian. The pure aristocrats seldom lower the social bars to those of mixed blood.

The efforts he had made seemed to enable him to think more clearly, and his next act was to rise to his knees stiffly and painfully, and then begin to work his joints a little before bending over his companion and shrinkingly laying his hand upon his breast.

"Nor I. But, driven by necessity, I believe that I could brave to go there, or anywhere else, even though I have not been in Chestnut-street for nearly two years." "Will you go, then, Mary?" Anna asked, in an earnest, appealing tone. "Yes, Anna, as you seem so shrinkingly reluctant, I will go."

"Mercer," said the Doctor then. "No, no," cried the General; "let him stop. Come here, sir: over here." The General spoke in so severe a voice, and frowned so much, that Mercer looked at him shrinkingly, and the harder as the old man brought his hand down heavily upon his shoulder Tom's face seeming to say, "What have I done now?"

Glancing immediately around and beneath them their blood curdled and their brains whirled with the vertigo which seized them as they peered appalled and shrinkingly down upon the sharp crags, the sheer precipices, the steeply-sloping snow-fields with their lower edges generally overhanging some fathomless abyss, the great glaciers, the awful crevasses spanned here and there by crumbling snow bridges the effect of the scene being heightened and intensified in its impressive grandeur by the deathlike silence which prevailed, broken only by the occasional thunderous roar of an avalanche far below.