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So, if I pray for length of days, It is not in the barren pride That looks behind itself, and says, "The Past alone is deified!" Nay, humbly, shrinkingly, in dread Of fires too splendid to be borne In expectation lest my head Be from its Orphic shoulders torn I wait, till, down the eastern sky, Muses, like Maenads in a throng, Sweep my decayed traditions by, In startling tunes of unknown song.

"O," exclaimed Dorothy shrinkingly, "it's so embarrassing to tell a person you're sorry." "You don't have to tell her in words," insisted Helen. "You can make her realize that you understand what she is going through and that you'd like to help her." "How can you do it without talking?" asked Ethel Brown, the practical.

In the first part of his narrative the man had spoken shrinkingly and fearfully, as if still in dread of vengeance on his betrayal; but his voice became bolder when he confessed his own share in the late atrocious crime.

And a solitary life may make a man either thoughtful or vacant, either humble or conceited, either sympathetic or selfish, either frank or shrinkingly shy. Great numbers of educated people in this country live solitary lives. And by a solitary life I do not mean a life in a remote district of country with hardly a neighbour near, but with your house well filled and noisy with, children's voices.

He knew that Justine had thought well of him, and now he knew also that she suspected something not creditable or, at least, hazardous in his life. "And the man the man whom the woman hates?" "When the woman hates and loves too, the man is in danger." "Do you know of such a man?" he almost shrinkingly said. "If I did I would say to him, The world is wide.

What he had shrinkingly anticipated would be the biggest thing since the Dempsey-Carpentier fight seemed to be turning into a pleasant social and literary evening not unlike what he imagined a meeting of old Girton students must be. For the first time since his mother had come into the room he indulged in the luxury of a deep breath. "But what are you doing here?" asked Mrs.

When I entered Helena's room and saw how her startled eyes fell shrinkingly on the bowl I set down before her, my conscience leaped to life and I could not help saying: "'Don't you like the curds, Helena? Your brother used to love them very much. "'His were "'What, Helena? "'What these are not, she murmured. "I stared at her, terror-stricken.

It was the glance of a man who meets an enemy's eye, not shrinkingly, but half-defiant, as if even the bitter retribution could not abash his strong courage. The dramatic manner which is characteristic of the most real and earnest incidents of French life had its fascination for la Pommerais, even at his death-hour. Not Mr. Booth nor Mr.

Look at the birds, my pretty! 'Poor birds! said the child. The fair little face, touched with divine compassion, as it peeped shrinkingly through the grate, was like an angel's in the prison. John Baptist rose and moved towards it, as if it had a good attraction for him. The other bird remained as before, except for an impatient glance at the basket.

For after my first relief at his escape was over, I was in constant dread lest he be retaken or shot; and when I did have to be out I went shrinkingly, dreading lest I see his face, haggard and ghostly, gazing down at me from some window, or glimpse him retreating up some evil alley. "Oh, you are too good for this!" my heart accused him. "To think of you slinking and hiding!