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Updated: November 9, 2024

Here lieth buried Sir Thomas Jay, Knight, Who being dead, I upon his grave did shite. George's Church in Southwark. Mr. He died about 1651, or 1652, at St. Mary Overy's in Southwark; and this was part of his last will. 'Item; I give to Dr. Ardee all my books, and one manuscript of my own, worth one hundred of Lilly's Introduction. 'Item; If Dr.

Will he rid us of his damned company, to go shite out his nasty rhyming balderdash in some bog-house? Will nobody be so kind as to cram some dog's-bur down the poor cur's gullet? or will he, monk-like, run his fist up to the elbow into his throat to his very maw, to scour and clear his flanks? Will he take a hair of the same dog?

Not long since I heard the following couplet as to the nature of a true hero: "Makoto no Ei-yu; Sono yo, aizen to shite shumpu no gotoshi; Sono shin, kizen to shite kinseki no gotoshi. "The true Hero; In appearance, charming like the spring breeze. In heart, firm as a rock."

They moved in slow circles, circling closer and closer to enclose, to enclose, soft language issuing from their lips, their long swishing tails besmeared with stale shite, thrusting upwards their terrific faces... Help! He flung the blankets from him madly to free his face and neck. That was his hell.

Or take another phrase: "Ten-mo kwaikwai so ni shite morasazu." "Heaven's net is broad as earth; and though its meshes are large, none can escape it." This is constantly used to illustrate the certainty that Heaven punishes the wicked. "Ten ni kuchi ari; kabe ni mimi ari." "Heaven has a mouth and even the wall has ears," signifies that all one does is known to the ruler of heaven and earth.

That mantles the vista far and wide and wait till the glowing orb of the moon shine forth to irradiate her silver effulgence... O! Mr Dedalus cried, giving vent to a hopeless groan. Shite and onions! That'll do, Ned. Life is too short. He took off his silk hat and, blowing out impatiently his bushy moustache, welshcombed his hair with raking fingers.

Hotoke ga shimpai shite: naki-naki tsumi naoshi-masu. They make mourning, the hotoke; weeping, they pile up the stones again, they rebuild their towers of prayer. All about the black mouth of the inner grotto the bone-coloured rock bears some resemblance to a vast pair of yawning jaws. Downward from this sinister portal the cavern-floor slopes into a deeper and darker aperture.

Told him if he didn't patch up the pot, Jesus, he'd kick the shite out of him. So Terry brought the three pints. Here, says Joe, doing the honours. Here, citizen. Slan leat, says he. Fortune, Joe, says I. Good health, citizen. Gob, he had his mouth half way down the tumbler already. Want a small fortune to keep him in drinks. Who is the long fellow running for the mayoralty, Alf? says Joe.

He would eat cabbage, and shite beets, knew flies in a dish of milk, and would make them lose their feet. He would scrape paper, blur parchment, then run away as hard as he could. He would pull at the kid's leather, or vomit up his dinner, then reckon without his host. He would beat the bushes without catching the birds, thought the moon was made of green cheese, and that bladders are lanterns.

Yea but, said he, where didst thou shite? In your throat, my lord, said I. Ha, ha! thou art a merry fellow, said he. We have with the help of God conquered all the land of the Dipsodes; I will give thee the Chastelleine, or Lairdship of Salmigondin. Gramercy, my lord, said I, you gratify me beyond all that I have deserved of you. How Pantagruel became sick, and the manner how he was recovered.

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