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If it is Miss Mary who sent for him it is not very reasonable of her, for he is here no longer than twenty minutes, and it is not sheepshead broth day, I know, because I saw her servant lass down at the quay for herrings an hour ago. Captain, mind, it must be that for him even with old soldiers like myself.

Nevertheless Dieckhoff, who was with the German Air Corps during the World War, instead of going to his home in Sheepshead Bay, drove to the home of Albert Nordenholz at 1572 Castleton Ave., Port Richmond, S.I., where he kept two trunks. Nordenholz, a German-American naturalized citizen for many years, is highly respected by the people in his neighborhood.

Nevertheless, I have always understood that, in the way of eating and drinking, the American colonies have little reason to be ashamed. "Could I have foreseen this dinner, Miss Mordaunt," I said, when everybody was employed, and I thought there was an opening to say something to my beautiful neighbour; "it would have made my father very happy to have sent a sheepshead to town, for the occasion."

As Farrell had suggested, Crane sought him at the office the next day at ten o'clock. Farrell and his clerk were busy planning an enterprising campaign against men who had faith in fast horses for the coming week at Sheepshead Bay. Hagen, get the betting sheet for the second last day at Gravesend, and look up a bet of one thousand dollars we roped in over Mr. Crane's horse.

This alleged unknown, with a suppressed record of victories at Sheepshead, Bennings, and The Fort, did no more than shove his long nose under the wire a bare half head in front of Black Eagle's foam-flecked muzzle. It was sufficient. The once wild stallion knew when he was beaten. He had done his best and he had lost. His high pride had been humbled, his fierce spirit broken.

"And we'll lure them as they swim, eh?" "That's it." "How will we make up?" "You are to became Dudie Dunne. I will become Silly Sal." "And we'll bet on the races?" "We will." "It's a go, Cad. To-morrow we will take in the races and chum for our game." On the following day the two detectives, well gotten up for their "chumming" scheme, started down for the Sheepshead Bay track.

A little later on we discovered that the horse Yates was doing a rave over had been dead for four years and that the card from which he was lifting his dope was the program of the meet at Sheepshead in 1896. Some kind and thoughtful stranger had lifted fifty cent| from George's surplus and in return had stung him with an ancient echo of the pittypats.

Why" and he turned impatiently to the girl beside him "why, I have seen the wild geese settle in Sheepshead Bay, and the wild duck circling over it; and I am not very aged. Think of it! Think of what this was but a few years ago, and think of what 'progress' has done to lay it waste! What will it be to-morrow?"

Some Strange Subjects and How They Were Taken The grandstand of the Sheepshead Bay race-track, one spring afternoon, was packed solidly with people, and the broad, terra-cotta-coloured track was fenced in with a human wall near the judges' stand. The famous Suburban was to be run, and people flocked from every direction to see one of the greatest horse-races of the year.

A few days ago, I met at the Sheepshead Races a passee actress who was telling about the conquests of her early career. "There was one young fellow awfully infatuated with me," she said, "who used to write me the sweetest letters. I kept them long after he stopped caring for me, until he was married; then I destroyed them.