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In due course the Blankshire was signalled and arrived, and the usual mob of people swarmed aboard to meet their friends. Among these, carrying a heavy heart, was Shafto; after all, he realised that he must do the right thing and go to receive his cousin; but, amazing to relate, there was no Miss Larcher among the passengers!

"Out oars," cried Harry Shafto; and the crew of the launch attempted to pull up, and save some of their drowning shipmates. Before, however, they could get up even to the ship's quarter, nearly all had disappeared, several poor women and children being speedily overwhelmed. "See! see!" cried Mrs Rumbelow, "there is a little chap striking out towards us; and I do believe he has a baby in his arms.

I" her voice shook and sank almost to a whisper "I am glad that you care for me." At this moment a curtain was hastily swung aside and Lily appeared. "Missy, the mem-sahib asking for you now; please to come quickly," and with a swift glance at her "missy" obeyed; the purdah fell heavily behind her slim, white figure and Shafto was alone.

It's not ours, I suppose you mean." But now Amy Lawrence was beckoning, and he made a rush for the rail, then worked his way aft, hand over hand. Every movable on deck was taking a sudden slant to starboard, and the sea went hissing by almost on level with the deck as next she spoke. "Surely a soldier needs both arms in battle, and you Oh, certainly, Mr. Shafto, take that chair," she added.

"Of course, a lot of it is trade envy," said Shafto; "but the Germans, to give them their due, are energetic, thrifty and pushing, and are taking places in the sun all over the world. Have you heard from Mrs. Milward lately?" "No, not for some weeks; she writes such amusing letters." "So I should imagine.

She implored him to write to her, and remained "his devoted till death, Cossie." Shafto thrust his devoted-till-death Cossie's letter into the waste-paper basket, with a gesture of excommunication, and barred the doors of his memory upon her round fat face. Preparations for departure proceeded satisfactorily. He received a number of good wishes and not a few gifts.

There had never been before a teacher at William Penn school-house who had not judiciously "showed partiality" to Absalom. His pious Methodist grandmother had endeavored to teach him a little hymn to speak on the great occasion, while his frivolous aunt from the city of Lancaster had tried at the same time to teach him "Bobby Shafto."

'When we got into the yard, there was the Great Mogul with three dogs upon him, and mistress Dorothy uncollaring Tom Fool and hounding him at the devilish brute; while poor Shafto, just waking up, lay on the stones, about three yards off the combat. It was the finest thing I ever saw, my lord. The marquis turned again to Dorothy, and stared without speech or motion.

It was suspiciously strange that, after Miss Bliss's mention of a loafer who had given information a loafer toasted by Krauss an individual answering the description had so promptly disappeared. Well now, Sophy or no Sophy, FitzGerald must be told! Shafto found his opportunity the following night, when he and the police officer had the veranda to themselves.

Joe Shafto was human and a humorist, crude, but with a keen mind and a love for banter that promised much enjoyment for the Overland Riders. "I wonder who is the Henry that she mentioned?" reflected Grace out loud. "Perhaps Henry may be a tame goose. Think of 'June' and 'July' as names for mules," chortled Hippy.