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Accursed vèrro! His name issued with difficulty from the señor's lips, but he had been thinking of him for some time. The boy shook his head. The Ironworker was making no particular advance over his rivals, and the Little Chaplain did not seem to regret it keenly. His admiration for the vèrro had cooled somewhat.

Like all timid persons who doubt and vacillate before speaking, but rush into it impetuously when fear is overcome, Pèp bluntly unburdened his mind. Yes, he had something to say; something very important! He had been thinking the matter over for two whole days, and he could keep silent no longer. He had taken it upon himself to bring the señor's dinner merely for the sake of speaking.

Also, the Señor's forehead is beaded with moisture. The air of the street will be grateful." As Benton rose he noticed that the Grand Duke was leaning confidentially toward the member of the French Cabinet Noir. Fifteen minutes later the two men were ensconced in their more sheltered coign, with wine glasses before them, and all the seeming of idle hours to kill.

But at the word Don Jose, waking, as it were, with a start, inquired sharply whither he was going. "To the stable," answered the guide. "What for? The horses have been fed! You can sleep here. The senor will give you leave." "I'm afraid the senor's horse is sick. I'd like the senor to see it. Perhaps he'd know what should be done for it."

"What about the riata?" he cried. "Do you know where it is?" ", Señor. Me, I took it from the señor's saddle, for I feared harm would be done if it were left there to tempt those who would laugh to see the señor dragged to the death to-day. Señor, that is José's purpose; from a San Vincente vaquero I heard and he had it from the lips of Manuel.

In the garden now, no doubt, with Jetta." De Boer: "Ah the little Jetta! So she is there, Spawn? Not in years have you spoken of your daughter. A young lady now, I suppose. Is it so?" Spawn cursed. "We leave her out of this. You follow the Señor's plan." "Come to your house? You think the bird will be there for me to seize?" "Yes," Perona put in. "You go there; in an hour. Then to the mine."

He was going to cultivate some of the señor's lands; they would settle accounts some other time. Since he was determined to live in the tower Pèp worked hard to make it habitable, besides ordering his children to carry the señor's dinner to him whenever he did not feel like coming down to the table. These three months had been rustic isolation to Jaime.

We must keep peace, Valencia, or else I must leave the rodeo. Personal quarrels must wait." ", Señor, personal quarrels must wait," assented José, again coming up unexpectedly behind them. "I but wish to say that I regret the bad manners of those caballeros, whose best excuse is that they are my friends. I hope the señor does not accuse me of spreading the news of the señor's boast.

"'Tain't the skipper's, for he's drunk as a biled owl, and ain't stirred out of his bunk since eight bells," said the other. "It's the first mate's orders; but, I reckon, it's the Senor's idea." "Then we ain't goin' on to Mazatlan?" "Not this trip, I reckon," said the third mate, joining them. "Why?" The third mate turned and pointed to leeward.

Overland Red, a harsh note in the somnolence of the place, stepped buoyantly across the square. And here, if ever, Overland was at home. A swarthy, fat Mexican shaved him while a lean old rurale of Overland's earlier acquaintance obligingly accepted some pesos with which to drink the señor's health, and other pesos with which to purchase certain clothing for the señor.