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And a week later Sennett, sitting alone with Edith, suddenly broke out with: "He's a better man than I am, with all my high-falutin' talk, and, upon my soul, he loves you. Shall I go abroad?" "If you like," was the answer. "What would you do?" "Kill myself," replied the other, with a laugh, "or run away with the first man that asked me." So Sennett stayed on.

She sat wondering for a while what he had meant. Then Sennett returned, and the words went out of her head. A good deal of sympathy was felt for Mrs. Blake. The man had a charming wife; he might have kept straight; but as his friends added, "Blake always was a cad." Speaking personally, I do not like the Countess of . She is not the type of woman I could love.

"It's pie," said Warble, "he's very fond of it." To Warble's great delight there were enough pies left for her final entertainment. "Folks," she said, "this is a Mack Sennett party, and it wouldn't be complete without throwing custard pies. So we will choose sides." Judge Drinkwater and Goldwin Leathersham were made captains and they chose sides.

As Sennett and Laura returned to Mrs. Bentley, Cadet Dodge suddenly slipped up as though from nowhere. "Miss Bentley," he murmured, bowing before Laura, after having greeted her mother, "I am presumptuous enough to trust that you remember me." "Perfectly, Mr. Dodge," replied Laura in her even tones. "How do you do?"

In fact, it was all "too lucky," as old Captain Sennett of the Nautilus growled occasionally, he being, like all sailors, superstitious to the core, and "fond of his blow," as the crew put it. They made a "big haul," with which they put into port, and after disposing of it started out again, only to make a trip as disastrous as the former had been fortunate.

"Don't you think," he said, unconsciously glancing round the room to be sure they were alone, "that young Sennett is a little too much about the house?" Blake stared at him. "Of course, we know it is all right as nice a young fellow as ever lived and Edith and all that. Of course, it's absurd, but " "But what?" "Well, people will talk." "What do they say?" The other shrugged his shoulders.

A week later the butler entered the dining room, and handed Blake a letter addressed to him in his wife's handwriting. He took it without a word, as though he had been expecting it. It simply told him that she had left him for ever. The world is small, and money commands many services. Sennett had gone out for a stroll; Edith was left in the tiny salon of their appartement at Fecamp.

Our whole social system, always a mystery to the philosopher, owes its existence to the fact that few men and women possess sufficient intelligence to be interesting to themselves. Blake liked company, but not much company liked Blake. Young Sennett, however, could always be relied upon to break the tediousness of the domestic dialogue. A common love of sport drew the two men together.

True, they were now in the spirit of her party, Mack Sennett himself couldn't have asked a better interpretation of his own vital principles. But had they come to realize that this after all was the real thing, the true ideal? Warble feared. They were a stuck-up lot. The fly-paper had intrigued them all.

Warble relaxed, and found that she was shockingly tired and very hungry. But she was the stuff of which true reformers are made and Martin Luther had nothing on her. Then Beer came tripping in with a pile of varicolored garments which she held up to view. "These," Warble announced, "are the real Mack Sennett costumes.