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Herr Dapsul, without taking his eyes from the paper, had taken hold of a thin plate of some metal, which he held up high over his head with both arms, and was proceeding to press it down upon the paper; but ere he could do so he slipped his foot on the smooth stone floor, and fell, anything but softly, upon the sitting portion of his body; whilst the metal plate, which he had dropped in an instinctive attempt to break his fall, and save damage to his Os Coccygis, went clattering down upon the stones.

I would like to ask you one thing, first, sir; it might save you the expense of such a call." "Well, what is it?" coldly. "I said that the letter was torn out of my hand by a sudden gust of wind, and carried over the fence toward the river, and that I had no time just then to try and find it again?" "Yes, that is what you told us as near as I can remember go on."

He wrote to the Prime Minister: "Pray do not be good-natured about Bristol. I must have ten people hanged, and twenty transported, and thirty imprisoned; it is absolutely necessary to give the multitude a severe blow, for their conduct at Bristol has been most atrocious. You will save lives by it in the end. There is no plea of want, as there was in the agricultural riots."

And truly, you shall say, there was some properness to her heart, in that she could abide not but to watch me. And I went quickly down to Mine Own; for there was alway an unease upon me, save when I did be nigh to her, in chance of trouble.

Once again, when, owing to some misunderstanding, Powhatan had decreed the death of all the whites, Pocahontas spent the whole pitch-dark night climbing hills and toiling through pathless thickets, to save Smith and his friends by warning them of the imminent danger. Smith offered her many beautiful presents on this occasion, evidently not appreciating the sentiment that was animating her.

Each must be her own casuist, and without any criterion save what she can establish by her own experience. The growth of Cecily's mind had removed her further and further from simplicity of thought; this was in part the cause of that perpetual sense of weariness to which she awoke day after day.

The game of tennis may be played either by two or four persons, or sometimes an expert player will stand two beginners. The ball used is rubber filled with air and covered with white felt and is 2-1/2 inches in diameter. It is necessary to play with two balls, and to save time in chasing those that go wild it is customary to play with three or four. One of the players begins by serving.

"We thank you, chief," said Gilbert, "but we have friends here whom we cannot desert; whatever may be the danger, we must remain and share it with them." The chief stood lost in thought. "I understand you," he said, "you are right. I came to save her alone, but her friends must be my friends.

You do not know how much such a rule would save you from, and if you say, "but that is impossible, she would not understand!" then I say to you, "well, it is always possible to hold your tongue, though I do not wish to impose such a severe penance on you; I only say, talk to a safe friend, or to none." This question of talk is a very practical one in school life.

I knew he was troubled about his soul, and I spoke to him. I said, 'Are you in trouble about your soul? He said, 'Yes, I am. 'Well, I said, 'Jesus has died to save you. Will you accept Him now? He said to me, 'But, Tom, I have done this and that, 'Well, I said, 'Jesus has died for you, will you accept Him? As he looked me straight in the face he said, 'Yes, I will.