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Sargeant offer a prize if the Beaver Patrol could walk to Warwick by one road, and back along another, a distance of just an even hundred miles, between sunrise of four days?" and Fritz looked around at his five comrades as though inviting suggestions. "Because he's fond of boys, I reckon," remarked Andy.

At last he said, 'Sargeant Jackson, and then he stopped again. 'If anybody speers at you where Ensign Roderich M'Clure is to be found, say on the second flat of the officers' quarters at the North Barracks, and he walked on and left me. He had got his commission." "She had a Highland name," said Peter, "and tat is all, but she was only a lowland Glaskow peast.

"'How are you, Rory? Suppose we take a bit of a walk. "Well, he held up his ead stiff and straight, and didn't speak for a minute or two; at last he said: "'How do you do, Sargeant Jackson? "'Why, Rory, sais I, 'what hails you to hact that way? What's the matter with you now, to treat an old comrade in that manner? "He stared ard at me in the face hagain, without giving any explanation.

What Jean Péré remarked on hearing this recital is not known possibly something not very complimentary about the plans of the French raiders going awry; but the next thing is that Mr Jan Parry as Sargeant persists in describing him finds himself in 'the butter vat' or prison of Albany with fetters on his feet and handcuffs on his wrists.

To show that he was not fastened to his saddle, the idiot, when some hundred yards up in the air, stood upright on his horse, and saluted the multitude below with both his hands. The death of Sargeant S. Prentiss has called forth an universal feeling of sorrow; the consciousness that "a great man has fallen" is depicted upon the faces of the multitude.

Hollister, I’m ready for a hissing mug of flip“Sure I know’d ye’d be wanting that samesaid the landlady; “it’s fixt and ready to the boiling. Sargeant, dear, be handing up the iron, will ye? no, the one on the far fire, it’s black, ye will see.

Old Sargeant sent out word that Mister Parry had long since sailed for France by way of England. This, however, did not abate the demands of the Most Christian King of France. Bombs began to sing overhead. Bridgar came under flag of truce to Sargeant and told him the French were desperate. It was a matter of life and death. They must take the fort to obtain provisions for the return to Quebec.

And, in truth, Harry Sargeant was all that a mother might desire or be proud of. Generous, high-minded, witty, and talented, and with a strong and noble physical development, he seemed born to command the love of women.

Let Captain Lawton, or Lieutenant Mason, or Cornet Skipwith, say the word, and who is quicker in the saddle than I?" "Well, sargeant, how often is it that ye've boasted to myself that the corps wasn't a bit afeard to face the divil?" "No more are we, in battle array, and by daylight; but it's foolhardy and irreverent to tempt Satan, and on such a night as this.

Sargeant was a sleek, well-groomed, well-looking fellow of thirty, just beginning to show the effects of a certain amount of dissipation in the little puffs under the eyes and the faint blueness of the temples. The sudden death of his father for which event Sargeant was still mourning, had left him in such position that his monthly income was about five times as large as Condy's salary.