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Old Allister, your creat her own crandfather, was ta pest horseman ta worrlt efer saw, and he 'll nefer pe hafing ta trews to his own lecks nor ta saddle to his horse's pack. He 'll chust make his men pe strap on an old plaid, and he 'll pe kive a chump, and away they wass, horse and man, one peast, aal two of tem poth together."

Old Allister, your creat her own crandfather, was ta pest horseman ta worlt efer saw, and he'll nefer pe hafing ta trews to his own lecks nor ta saddle to his horse's pack. He'll chust make his men pe strap on an old plaid, and he'll be kive a chump, and away they wass, horse and man, one peast, aal two of tem poth together."

If he could give him the slip, he might afterwards deny having had anything to do with the affair. But it was not easy to give the slip to a man whose knuckly hand held him like a vice. "Shames," said Bane as he came near the fortress, "I've cot the peast! come oot, man, an' fetch a stick wi' you. I'll ha'd 'im while you lay on."

So Isaac Grimm," continued Fyall, "was fairly overcome; the kindly feelings of his nature were at length stirred up, and as he turned away, he wept blew his nose hard, like a Chaldean trumpet in the new moon and while the large tears coursed each other down his care worn cheeks, he exclaimed, wringing the captain's hand, in a voice tremulous and scarcely audible from extreme emotion," "Oh, Isaac Grimm, Isaac Grimm tid not your heart mishgive you, ven you vas commit te great blasphemy of invoish Ezekiel flesh of your flesh, pone of your pone as por de onclean peast, I mean.

Timothy seeing his master fell down on his knees, crying, "The thief has run away with Gilbert you may pound me into a peast, as the saying is. But now I'se as mad as your worship, I an't afeard of the divil and all his works."

At last he said, 'Sargeant Jackson, and then he stopped again. 'If anybody speers at you where Ensign Roderich M'Clure is to be found, say on the second flat of the officers' quarters at the North Barracks, and he walked on and left me. He had got his commission." "She had a Highland name," said Peter, "and tat is all, but she was only a lowland Glaskow peast.