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The moose-steaks had vanished like the "snaw-wreath in the thaw" before anything much was said, save: "Nothin' th' matter with moose, hey?" "Nop! Bet your life." The "Salmi of ptarmigan" appeared as a great wash of gravy in which portions of the much cut-up bird swam in vain for their lives.

"Let me interrupt you. I am so only because it is the taste of the day; but I despise the parade of military glory we have got into the habit of. I prefer the period when a mot did as much and more than a discharge of mitraille, and men's esprit and talent succeeded better than a strong sword-arm or a seat on horseback. There were gentlemen in France once, my dear Burke. Ay, parbleu! and ladies too, not marchionesses of the drum-head nor countesses of the bivouac, but women in whom birth heightened beauty, whose loveliness had the added charm of high descent beaming from their bright eyes and sitting throned on their lofty brows; before whom our mustached marshals had stood trembling and ashamed, these men who lounge so much at ease in the salons of the Tuileries! Let me help you to this salmi; it is

FOUR ENTREES. Marrow patties; Salmi of pheasants a la financiere; Sweet breads a la Saint Cloud; Mutton cutlets a la Vicomtesse. SECOND COURSE. Woodcocks; Grouse; Mince pies; Plum pud ding. SIX ENTREMETS. Broccoli with Parmesan cheese; Italian creams; Croute a l'Amanas; Salad a la Rachel; Meringues a la Parisienne; Punch jelly. THE form of invitations will be found on page 49.

When sufficiently cooked, remove the papers, lay them on a very hot platter, season with salt, pepper and plenty of butter, turning them over and over to soak up the butter. Cover and keep hot in a warming oven until served. This is a nice mode of serving the remains of roasted game, but when a superlative salmi is desired, the birds must be scarcely more than half roasted for it.

The next day was spent in hunting jack-rabbits, coyotes, elks, antelopes and wild turkeys. We had a splendid dinner as will be seen from the following: BILL OF FARE. SOUP. Buffalo Tail. FISH. Cisco broiled, fried Dace. ENTREES. Salmi of Prairie Dog, Stewed Rabbit, Fillet of Buffalo, Aux Champignons. ROAST. Elk, Antelope, Black-tailed Deer, Wild Turkey.

"The science of the great city; the physiology of London; literally and metaphysically the greatest subject that the mind of man can conceive. What an admirable salmi this is; undoubtedly the final end of the pheasant. Yes, I feel sometimes positively overwhelmed with the thought of the vastness and complexity of London.

Over a salmi d'escargot at the "Coventry," the dandies whom we introduced in our last volume were assembled, there talking of the heiress; and her story was told by Franklin Fox to Lord Bagnigge, who, for a wonder, was interested in the tale. Borodino's pretensions were discussed, and the way in which the fair Amethyst was confined.

You are a man of honor, Max, and what you have just said is true." "You ought to receive and entertain your sister and her son, but not change the arrangements you have made about your property," said Max. "In that way you will do what is right in the eyes of the world, and yet keep your promise to your father." "Well! my dear loves!" cried Flore, gayly, "the salmi is getting cold.

It was at the table d'hôte at Vevay, upon coming down to that lengthy and untempting repast, chiefly composed of aged goats and stringy hens, which the inventive Swiss waiter exalts, with the effort of a soaring imagination, into "Chamois," and "Salmi de Poulet," that Captain and Mrs.

"I declare, Vincent, you are growing quite witty. Do you remember Jekyl? Poor fellow, what a really good punster he was not agreeable though particularly at dinner no punsters are. Mr. Davison, what is that dish next to you?" Mr. Davison was a great gourmand: "Salmi de perdreaux aux truffes," replied the political economist. "Truffles!" said Wormwood, "have you been eating any?"