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"He might be still in the house," said Mr. Wain, ruminatively. "Not likely, sir." "You think not?" "Wouldn't be such a fool, sir. I mean, such an ass, sir." "Perhaps you are right, Jackson." "I shouldn't wonder if he was hiding in the shrubbery, sir." Mr. Wain looked at the shrubbery, as who should say, "Et tu, Brute!" "By Jove! I think I see him," cried Mike.

Old Charley Lohr assured him that he would speak a good word if opportunity became available; then, after the cab had driven away, he went up to his small apartment on the third floor and muttered ruminatively until his wife inquired what he was talking to himself about. "Ole Virg Adams," he told her.

He shuffled away, once more the perfect prototype of the malade imaginaire. Jocelyn Thew watched him in silence until he had disappeared. Then he turned and seated himself by the girl's side. "I find myself," he remarked ruminatively, "still a little troubled as to the precise amount of intelligence which our friend Mr. Crawshay might be said to possess.

Old Quiller was sucking tobacco ruminatively, his fit of loquacity over. Merefleet rose. "Well, I am glad to have seen you, Quiller," he said, patting the old man's shoulder with a kindly hand. "I must come in again. You and I are old friends, you know, and old comrades, too. Good-bye!" Quiller looked at him rather vacantly. The fire of life was sinking low in his veins.

These changes having been made in honor of the visitor, he felt that his duty had been fulfilled and he addressed Yellow ruminatively: "Well, I expect we got to brush up a bit on our manners if we're going to have a young lady around, eh, Yellow? Going to be some strain on us both, I'll say. Funny idea to run off to a place like this just because you've quarreled with your young man!

A lame duckling, shall we say?" He suggested that a lame duckling might grow up into a wonderful swan, and munched his apple ruminatively. Neither happened to think of a certain incident, much discussed, in which that edible figured prominently. And he did not ask a question. "But how does he get his work done, with such a crew?" "We're not all lame ducks, you know. And you work hard, don't you?"

The seamen were already in their bunks, each smoking ruminatively the pipe that prefaces slumber. "Queer yarn that feller tells," remarked one of them idly. "How much of it d'you reckon's true, Dan?" In the for'ard lower bunk Dan opened drowsy eyes.

Gys on deck. "That German, Lieutenant Elbl," he began. "Oh, is that his name?" asked Gys. "Yes. Will he get well?" "Certainly. What is a foot, to a man like him? But his soldiering days are past." "Perhaps that's fortunate," returned the captain, ruminatively. "When I was a boy, his father was burgomaster mayor in Munich. People said he was well-to-do.

The ranchhouse was in sight, high on its peninsula of prairie, like a lighthouse seen from sea. "It's a shame to let that fine herd waste away like that," he said, ruminatively, as if speaking to himself. "It's always been hard to get help here; cowboys seem to think it's a disgrace to ride fence. Such as we've been able to get nearly always turned out thieves on their own account in the end.

"But what is the object of a dog like that?" inquired the man ruminatively. "What good is he? What is he for?" "Why why why," said she, looking ready to laugh "he's not a utilitarian dog at all, you see! He's a pleasure-dog, you know just a big, beautiful dog to give pleasure!