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The thought of the morrow cut me like a knife, and I was lost in gloomy reflections, when a hand clapped me on the shoulder. I turned round with a start, and saw Captain Rudstone. "A few hours more, Mr. Carew," he said, "and we shall have dropped anchor under the walls of the fort. Do you expect to meet your factor there?" "It is doubtful," I replied. "He will hardly look for our arrival so soon.

"Ay, that was his last breath," replied Carteret. "He went quickly." "The excitement finished him," said Captain Rudstone. "But listen! What is that?" We looked at one another with startled faces. Far, far above us we heard a roaring, grinding noise, increasing each second. And we knew only too well what it meant! "A snowslide an avalanche!" cried Captain Rudstone.

Imagine, if you can, the effect this amazing assertion had upon us. We were stupefied struck speechless; we could only stare breathlessly, with dilated eyes, at Captain Rudstone. Had we heard aright? Was he really the missing Osmund Maiden? Folding his arms on his breast he returned our scrutiny with a cynical smile. "He is mad mad!" gasped Christopher Burley.

Captain Rudstone led the way to the little room at the base of the watch-tower. We pushed through the crowd outside and when I was over the threshold I saw a pitiable sight by the glow of a lantern. Griffith Hawke lay partly on a blanket, with Andrew Menzies supporting his head and shoulders. His face was ghastly pale, and there was blood on his lips and chest.

I nodded assent, and just then my name was called from the other end of the hall. I kissed Flora and led her forward, putting her in the care of Mrs. Menzies. The men were standing about in groups, some talking, some nervously loading guns, and others staring vacantly at the floor. "We are considering what we had better do," said Captain Rudstone, "and we want your opinion, Carew.

The Speedwell bore swiftly on, leaving a foamy wake dancing on the bosom of the St. Lawrence, and in my delight I felt tempted to throw my arms about Miss Hatherton. Captain Rudstone joined us, and with thankful hearts we watched the lights of Quebec fading in the distance.

When you have finished your breakfast " "One moment, sir," I interrupted. "I suppose there is no news of Captain Rudstone? It is foolish to ask " "Oh, but there is! Bless me, I quite forgot to speak of it. Let me see; there was a reference to the matter in the dispatch from Fort Charter. What did he say? Wait I have it!"

Denzil, you and Captain Rudstone will come with me." He turned to the others. "There is much to be done," he added, "and it must be done quickly. Load a sledge with provisions, and get others ready for the wounded who are unable to walk. Let each may take a supply of powder and ball, and put on snowshoes. Helen, do you and Miss Hatherton prepare for a long and tiresome march."

My temper was ruffled by the neglect and the sneer, and I stepped forward. "Will Miss Hatherton permit me to escort her to the lodgings where she is expected?" I asked the girl. "My claim to this young lady's attention is prior to yours, sir," broke in Captain Rudstone. "I deny that, sir!" I cried hotly. "Will you be so kind as to state your claim?" "My word is enough.

He was drinking at the source of the spring, and the moonlight glistened on his pronged antlers and on the bubbling water. "We have but a single chance," I said in a whisper. "We must run no risk of losing it. I take it you are a good shot, Captain Rudstone?" "I have twice killed my man in a duel," was the curt reply. "Then you and I will fire together," I continued, "when I count three.