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The boys rowed up alongside and holding to the gunwale of the "Red Rover," chatted for a few moments. "So long! We will see you in the morning," called George as they pushed the rowboat off. "Yes. In the morning maybe," answered Harriet laughingly.

The less distant sight of that well-known boat showing it, not as before, half blended with the haze, but with outline defined, so that its individuality, like a man's, was manifest; that boat, Rover by name, which, though now in strange seas, had often pressed the beach of Captain Delano's home, and, brought to its threshold for repairs, had familiarly lain there, as a Newfoundland dog; the sight of that household, boat evoked a thousand trustful associations, which, contrasted with previous suspicions, filled him not only with lightsome confidence, but somehow with half humorous self-reproaches at his former lack of it.

"Did you hear anything from Master Tubbs?" "No, sir." The teacher stepped out of the storeroom and made his way to the stone cell. "He is gone too!" he ejaculated. "Really, sir, did you say 'gone'?" cried Peleg Snuggers, in dismay. "Yes. This is ah outrageous, Snuggers. Where can they be?" "I'm sure I don't know, sir. Master Rover got out mighty quick."

The local doctor had already been notified, and soon he appeared, to read a note written by the city specialist and listen to what Sam had to tell him. Then he took charge and said Tom must be kept very quiet. "It shall be as you say, Doctor," said Mrs. Rover. And after that, for a number of days, nobody but the members of the family was allowed to go in and talk to the youth.

Down the tempting incline he at once raced, with Nellie and Rover at his heels; and, diving beneath a jungle of blackberry-bushes at the bottom, matted together with ropes of ivy that had fallen from a withered oak, whose dry and sapless gnarled old trunk still stood proudly erect in the midst of the mass of luxuriant vegetation with which it was surrounded, Nellie heard him after a bit call out from the leafy enclosure in which he had quickly found himself "Oh, I say, I see such a pretty fern!"

"It's a true saying that there is no place like home," returned Dick. "Here we are!" The carriage made a turn around a clump of trees and then dashed up to the piazza. From the house rushed several people. "Here we are, father!" sang out Dick. "How are you, Uncle Randolph, and how are you, Aunt Martha?" "Dick!" cried Mr. Anderson Rover, and embraced his oldest son. "And Tom and Sam!

The very cries of warning, indeed, of those above brought about the result they sought to prevent; for, looking up and waving his hand to reassure them, Bob all at once lost his footing, rolling over and plunging into the water right on top of Rover, his yell of dismay being echoed by a howl of pain from the dog. "Gracious heavens!

Rushton felt that there must be some reason here more than met the eye. He made a pretence of business that he might discover what it was, and he had done so triumphantly, as he thought. Sir Tom, as everybody knew, had been "a rover" in his youth, and the world was charitable enough to conclude that in that youth there must be many things which he would not care to expose to the eye of day.

Tight as those thongs had been they had not constricted circulation, and he was ready to meet Vistur. The Terran did not doubt that the Rover champion was a formidable fighter, but he had not had the advantage of going through one of the Agent training courses. Every trick of unarmed fighting known on his own world had been pounded into Ross long ago.

"Let us put on our coats so we don't catch cold. No use of putting on dry clothing until you are sure the ball is over." "Tom, you're a crack fireman," said Dick with a smile. "I'll wager those sophs are mad enough to chew nails." "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander," quoted the fun-loving Rover. "What's the good of living if you can't return a compliment now and then?"