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Together, the battered policeman and the detective who still had some strength left in him, raised Gabriel's limp body and carried it from the room. The woman, meanwhile, stood there inhaling cigarette-smoke and laughing viciously to herself. "You easy mutt!" she exclaimed. "Dead baby, room-rent due, wanted to get home to sister and you fell for that old gag with whiskers on it!

She breakfasts upon five sous; a roll, café, and a bunch of grapes her dinner costs eighty centimes, and she makes a franc and a half a day, leaving enough to pay her room-rent." "It is a little sum seven dollars and a half a month how is the girl to dress?" Terrapin shrugged his shoulders, but said nothing.

"What can you do to stop it?" she retorted defiantly, "Give me religion -I guess you'd tell me. Religion's all right for those on top, but say, it would be a joke if I got it. There ain't any danger. But if I did, it wouldn't pay room-rent and board." He sat mute. Once more the truth overwhelmed, the folly of his former optimism arose to mock him.

Once, after going through the great wine-cellar where millions were coined, I went through the barracks in the upper portion of the same building, where a wretched tenantry of the Devil's poor lived in squalor. Each of these families was required to pay room-rent to the millionnaire. As I passed along, I found one man and woman in wrathful distress.

He says that in conversation with a leading Boston merchant, the merchant said plainly that he had every reason to believe that some of the men working in his store paid the room-rent and a trifling sum besides to working-girls, and lived with them regularly. Another Boston merchant said to Mr.

They left a week ago. I had to ask them for their room. As it was, they owed a week's room-rent. Mister, I can't afford " "Well, do you know where they went? Did you hear what address they had their trunk expressed to?" "Ah, yes, their trunk," vociferated the woman, clapping her hands to her hips, her face purpling. "Their trunk, ah, sure. I got their trunk, and what are you going to do about it?

On the sixth day she paid out her last fifty cents for room-rent, and, without breakfast, filched her lunch from a half-eaten order of codfish balls returned to the kitchen. Yes, reader; but who are you to turn away sickened and know no more of this? You who love to bask in life's smile, but shudder at its drool! A Carpenter did not sicken at a leper. He held out a hand.

That's a fact, isn't it? And the trouble is, an honest girl can't live on six dollars a week. She can't do it, and buy food and clothes, and pay room-rent and carfare. That's another fact, isn't it?" Mary regarded the owner of the store with grave questioning in her violet eyes.

"She's taking advantage of your being here," exclaimed Laura apologetically, half to herself and half to her visitor. "How?" demanded Elfie. "She wants money three weeks' room-rent. I presume she thought you'd give it to me." "Huh!" exclaimed the other, tossing her head. Changing her tone, Laura went up to her. "Elfie," she said, "I've been a little cross; I didn't mean it."

"I'd be willin' to go now; but when I first began to study I was ashamed to have anybody know that I was so ignorant. Do you really mean, Fosdick, that I know as much as you?" "Yes, Dick, it's true." "Then I've got you to thank for it," said Dick, earnestly. "You've made me what I am." "And haven't you paid me, Dick?" "By payin' the room-rent," said Dick, impulsively. "What's that?