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"A good scheme, too." "I should say so." "Some o' the crawling divils are as bad as they look," added the stage hand, while he helped to place the snake den squarely on the stage. "What do you mean?" inquired Chick, still gingerly surveying them. "Pizen!" "Venomous?" "You bet! Durn 'em, I wouldn't touch one of them for the wealth of Rockefeller."

Rockefeller, decided upon Mr. Astor, and gave a number to a priceless Central who was promptness itself, who never rang the wrong bell, or reported a busy wire, or cut him off in the midst of an engrossing conversation. This morning, as usual, he got his number at once. "Good-mornin', Mister Astor!" he hailed breezily. "This is Johnnie Smith. 'Oh, good-mornin', Mister Smith! How are y'? I'm fine!

Certainly such a diagnosis does not explain a man who has built up one of the world's greatest organizations and accumulated the largest fortune which has ever been placed at the disposal of one man. Indeed, Rockefeller displayed unusual business ability even before he entered the oil business.

Continuity of control, also, contributed to Standard success; the narrow limits of the area in which the crude oil was produced before 1890 rendered the problem of securing a monopoly somewhat easier; the organization was extremely efficient and the constituent companies were stimulated to a high degree of productivity by encouraging the spirit of emulation; men of ability were called to its high positions; the policy of gaining the mastery over the trade in petroleum and its products was kept definitely and persistently to the front; and then there was John D. Rockefeller.

It was the next day but one, and Rockefeller was toiling along the heavy road outside Pomeroy, when a man in a cabbage-tree hat, red flannel shirt, and long boots rode up to Hutton's store, which stood on the outskirts of the town, and, seeing the van coming, dismounted, threw his horse's bridle over the fence, and walked towards it.

Come, come, don't be unreasonable, Mr. Blaine." Sally shuffled about, coughed, arose, sat down again, and Joe laughed. "Can't do it. Not even Rockefeller could buy a line of my paper." "Do you mean it?" "Absolutely flatly." "Well, what a shame! But never mind. Some other time. Tell me, Mr. Blaine" he leaned forward "what are you? One of these bloody socialists?" "No, I'm not a socialist."

While his competitors were "kiting" checks and waiting, hat in hand, on the good nature of the money lenders, Rockefeller always had a large bank balance, upon which he could instantly draw for his operations. Nor must we overlook the fact that the Standard group contained a large number of exceedingly able men.

At any time, on any day, in any part of America, you can confer a happiness upon any passing stranger by calling his attention to any other passing stranger and saying: "Do you see that gentleman going along there? It is Mr. Rockefeller." Watch his eye. It is a combination of power and conspicuousness which the man understands. When we understand rank, we always like to rub against it.

"Of course, the pay service is better," said he in a strikingly different tone. "How much would it be at a pay hospital?" asked Susan. "Twenty-five a week including my services," said Doctor Einstein. "But you can't afford that." "Will he get the best treatment for that?" "The very best. As good as if he were Rockefeller or the big chap uptown." "In advance, I suppose?"

Rockefeller's total benefactions probably exceed a total of thirty millions. This will soon be greatly increased, for he has just asked Congress to charter an institution to be known as the Rockefeller Foundation, which he will endow on an enormous scale to carry out various plans of charity, through centuries to come.