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"You're a right-down brick, Jupp!" said Doctor Jolly, shaking him by the hand, while Mary kissed her former nurse children all round; and, while they were all exchanging congratulations, up came the train rumbling and whistling and panting and puffing into the station, the engine bearing a Union Jack tied to the funnel, for Jupp's interest in two of the special passengers being brought to Endleigh was well-known on the line.

Yet, perversely, that look of relief, of right-down joy, chiefly angered her, and tempted her to add, "That's to say, I don't suppose he will." And Bunting's face altered again; the old, anxious, depressed look, the look it had worn the last few days, returned. "What makes you think he mayn't come back?" he muttered. "Too long to tell you now," she said. "Wait till the child's gone to bed."

However, you did right in stopping I'll own a piece of folly, and shutting the mouths of those two; though it caused me to come in for a regular drencher. But a pretty woman in a right-down termagant passion is good theatre; because it can't last, at that pace; and you're sure of your agreeable tableau.

In fact, I believe if you were to set two spiteful clergymen nagging at each other, they'd beat any two 'leading ladies' on the operatic stage, for right-down malice and meanness!" "The conversation is growing quite personal!" said Walden, a broad smile lighting up his fine soft eyes "Shall we finish it at the Manor when I come up to tea?" "But are you really coming?" queried Cicely "And when?"

"It must be a right-down jolly place; and, by Jehoshaphat! I wish I was there," interrupted Molly. "Molly!" said her mother. "Oh, leave her alone for the present," said Mr. Hartrick. "But do you mean," he continued, looking at Nora in a distressed way, "that that my sister lives in a house of that sort?" "Mother?" said Nora.

"What dance, and where?" "Well, Madame Didier, that jolly little furbelowed Frenchwoman with whom I was driving just now, has got up a regular party to-night " "Hans Breitmann gib a barty?" I interposed, with a mock solemn air of inquiry. Amy laughed. "Well, yes, it MAY be that kind of thing, for all I know to the contrary. Anyhow, she's hired the band and ordered a right-down elegant supper.

Why, Paulie, of course you will come! We are going to have a right-down jolly time, for father is so tickled with the notion that he is coming, too; and he says he will give us a real good lark. And we are going to Friar's Oak, eight miles away; and we are to take hampers full of dainties.

Even this book he has lent you looks like a wizard's property;" and she fluttered the leaves of the "Dead Musician's" volume, turning them rapidly over in search of something attractive. Suddenly she paused and cried out: "Why, this is right-down awful! He must have been a regular madman! Just listen!" and she read aloud: "'How mighty are the Kingdoms of the Air!

"I'm glad," Mr. Terwilliger murmured to himself, "that I ain't one of those delicately reared nobles. If I had anything less than a right-down regular republican constitution I'd die of fright."

He owned Beech Cot on Merripit Hill when his mother died, and there he took Jenny after they was wed; and the people called 'em Beauty and the Beast. Not that there was anything right-down beastly about Nicky but his spidery appearance. He would be kind to childer and never picked a quarrel with nobody too cowardly for that; but he was ugly as they make 'em and a sulky fashion of man.