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It took him some time to decide just where he would carve his initials on Timothy's shell. And he had about decided that the best place to put his mark on Mr. Turtle's back would be exactly in the middle of it, when he cried all at once, "Look, Red! Look!" "Whassamatter?" the red-haired boy wanted to know. "This is the queerest thing I ever heard of!" Johnnie exclaimed.

"Oh, red-haired, that's very pretty sometimes, and his face powdered with flour and the red hair with it. But I am done now." She stood up. "I thank you, Runtze, your meal was very good." "That is the main thing," said the woman, "you are in love, and then again you are not, but you always have to eat."

"Your ship has been built and designed, closed and decked in; you said so yourself," I protested. "No, no, not that ship. That was open, or half decked because By Jove you're right You made me think of the hero as a red-haired chap. Of course if he were red, the ship would be an open one with painted sails,"

They rose to their feet heavily, and one of them spoke. "The Earth dogs are revolting. The Cors of the outlying districts report that the slaves are massing and are marching on Great New York. They are armed with Earth weapons. The Cor of the Third District reports two men responsible one is a giant among them, almost as tall as our own kind; and the other a puny red-haired firebrand.

No, I expect Elektra took after her mother: red-haired girl, I fancy. But there you are. She was a lovely, solemn, deep-eyed, hag-ridden goose. Not a word to say thought mostly of pudding. I found that out by supposing that she thought of me. Then I was piqued, and we parted. I suppose she's vast now, and glued to an upper window-ledge with her great eyes peering through a slat in the shutter.

So, dis mug, what 'do you t'ink he does?" Spike laughed shortly, in professional scorn. "Why " "Is this gentleman a friend of yours, Spennie?" inquired Lady Julia politely, eying the red-haired speaker coldly. "It's " Spennie looked appealingly at Jimmy. "It's my man," said Jimmy. "Spike," he added in an undertone, "to the woods. Chase yourself. Fade away." "Sure," said the abashed Spike.

On his father's side Jefferson came from sound yeoman stock, in which Welsh blood ran. His mother was a Virginia Randolph. Born in Albemarle County, near the "little mountain" Monticello where he built a mansion for his bride and where he lies buried, the tall, strong, red-haired, gray-eyed, gifted boy was reputed the best shot, the best rider, the best fiddle-player in the county.

They were up on top of a hill, and, looking through the trees, they could see, sparkling in the sun, the waters of Green Pond, about two miles away. "That's where Mr. Barker lives," said Laddie. "And maybe the red-haired lumberman is there with daddy's papers," said Russ. "Oh, Laddie! I know what let's do!" "What?" "Let's go down to Mr.

The stained withers of the animals they rode told of long, steady travel. One of them, a red-haired young fellow of about the same age as Curly, swung stiffly from the saddle. "Me for a square meal first off," he gave out promptly. "Not till we've finished this business, Mac. We'll put a deal right through if Warren's here," decided a third member of the party.

They must have been attacking us, that's clear to any one; and if it was me I should not care the snap of a finger about it that's what I tells the red-haired tailor when he came here with two of his pals this morning. 'We has as much right to our opinions as you have; you attacks us, says I, 'and we gives you pepper, that's all about it. 'His beauty's spoilt for life, says one of his mates.