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Well, captain, come right into my chimbeque, and chop." "I'll have some quinine with you, and a cocktail. Chop doesn't tempt me just now. I've a dose of fever on hand." "Got to expect that here, anyway," said the missionary. "I haven't had fever for three days now, but I'm due for another dose to-morrow afternoon. Fever's quite regular with me.

We would be even glad to hear "guard" and "drill" sounded; and there would be music in the disconsolate "surgeon's call:" "Come-get-your-q-n-i-n-i-n-e; come, get your quinine; It'll make you sad: It'll make you sick. Come, come." O, if we were only back, what admirable soldiers we would be!

Those only, who were liberally dosed some forty years ago with the powder of Peruvian bark, the sovereign remedy for fever and ague, can duly estimate the value of the services rendered to suffering humanity by the discovery of a mode of administering it in a concentrated form, that of QUININE.

One of the men was attacked by fever, so he was given quinine, and his friends were told to put him to bed and cover him well. When we went to visit him later we found him quite contented in one of these fish sacks, his head in one corner and his legs all doubled up and packed in; only a bare brown back was exposed, so we had a few of the camel's rags thrown on his back, and he was well next day.

Pike, as he checked down the line with a rigid forefinger. "If you don't care what happens to you, we might try a couple of cocktails that is, if you like the taste of eau de quinine. Oh, I'll tell you what! Here are lemons, seltzer and gin. Boy, two gin fizzes." The attendant, who was very juvenile and much afraid of his job, smiled and shook his head.

Thus the child and his temperature might have waited for thirty-six hours the mothers of Polpier being skilled in febrifuges, from quinine to rum-and-honey, treacle posset, elder tea to be dealt with as preliminaries to the ambulance lecture, had it not been that the Doctor had recently replaced his old trap with a two-seater car, which lifted him above old economies of time, and he wished to ascertain if the valley schoolhouse, in which he was to lecture, possessed a wall-chart or diagram of the human frame; for it is a useful rule to start an ambulance class with some brief information on the body and its organs, their position and functions.

You know the scene better than I, so work away, Giotto. Motto 'Will ye pay or toll it, mother? Price twenty-five guineas. Take it to What's-his-name's, and if it sells we'll go to Arcadia, Giotto mio! The very thought of those breezes is as quinine to my languid faculties!" Jan worked hard at the new "pot boiler." The artist painted the boy's figure himself, and Jan did most of the rest.

The quinine of yesterday has done its work; the bed-time dose of calomel has gone through the liver and stirred up that enemy of human health and happiness, the bile; and the morning dose of salts will, beyond a peradventure, soon be heard from.

We owe, finally, to this popular experience the discovery of the specific action of quinine, and the consequent preservation of thousands and thousands of human lives. Why should we reject a priori and without investigation other useful data which it may yet present to our consideration?

Mrs Wallace was undecided whether to laugh or to cry as she welcomed her truants and listened to the story of their adventures. Nothing would satisfy her but to despatch Pixie to bed forthwith, to that young lady's intense mortification, and to order the Captain upstairs to have a hot bath and a dose of quinine.