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Then he thought of Noah, and ramming the editor's note in his pocket, he went plunging down the steps and across to the hotel. Noah had gone to bed, but he was unceremoniously routed out. "Read that!" shouted Don, thrusting his hand in his pocket and pulling out an envelope. "It isn't opened," said Noah, yawning; then recognizing Connie Queerington's handwriting he suddenly woke up. "Hang it!

He took the hand she offered, but he said nothing, and after she was gone he went into his room, and flinging himself across the bed, buried his face in the pillows. The new year began inauspiciously at the Queerington's. In the first place Bertie woke up with the chickenpox and was banished to the nursery.

The triumph with which she made this announcement put a momentary quietus on Phineas, and enabled her to proceed: "It's a widower gentleman with three children that I'm cookin' for, and I ain't set eyes on one of 'em except at meal times since I hired to 'em. Queerington's their names, out on College Street, right around the corner from the Immanuel Church.

He had employed him because he was the family lawyer, and because he was a friend of Doctor Queerington's. At the end of the first week he realized that he had made a mistake, and confided the fact to Noah Wicker. Noah, having successfully worked through the law course at the university, was now, by the persistent efforts of Miss Lady, occupying a dark corner of Mr. Gooch's outer office.

Queerington's cook, madam, wishes to speak to you," announced the butler at the pantry door. "Tell her to wait," said Mrs. Sequin without turning her head. "What did you decide about the decorator's estimates, Basil?" "Decide? What time have I to be considering decorations? Why can't you attend to it?" "Why, indeed?

"His is the only great intellect," she was fond of telling her husband, "to which I am related either by blood or marriage." Doctor Queerington's reputation was one of those local assumptions that might be described as prenatal rather than posthumous. It was what he was going to be, that made his name an awe-inspiring word in the community, more than what he was already.

Miss Lady had been married two weeks, but she was still circling wildly in a vortex of new experiences that excited and bewildered her. Through a long, lonely winter she had fought out her problems at the little country school, relying implicitly upon Doctor Queerington's friendship and guidance.

Owing to the nature of Doctor Queerington's injury, and the severe shock he had sustained, it was not thought best to move him to the city until he was stronger. The quiet country house was an excellent place for convalescence, and under the direction of his trained nurse he could be allowed to read and write, free from the annoyance that must beset him when once he returned home.

Doctor Queerington's study was at the top of the house, where by means of closing the doors and windows, and stuffing his ears with cotton, he was able to shut out that material world to which he preferred to remain a stranger.