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"But, may I give some other name than that to Mr. Quan?" He frowned a little dubiously and asked her how old she was. And even when she told him twenty-two, he didn't look altogether reassured. "That's the truth, is it? I mean, there's nobody who can come down here about three days before we open and call me a kidnaper, and lead you away by the ear?"

What it'll be when you butchers get through with it ...!" He flung out his hands and stalked away. "Go find Mr. Quan," said Galbraith to Rose, "and tell him to mark those changes of yours in the book. Tell him I said so." It was, though, a pretty unsatisfactory victory.

According to the conditions under which they travelled, the bear must be killed by one of themselves; and, therefore, after a little explanation, the Quan resigned his intention and stepped aside. His post, however, was supplied by the ex-guardsman, who, poising his ponderous axe, stood ready to deal a far heavier, and deadlier, blow than could be given by any woodcutter in Scandinavia.

The hole which the Quan had pointed out was a crevice between two great boulders of rock. It was about a yard above the ground, upon which they stood; and was certainly not more than six or eight inches in diameter.

As soon as the Quan saw that he had opened a hole large enough to pass the body of the bear, he drew back his spear, telling the hunter to look out. During the operation, all three had kept watch through crevices in the stockade-wall, holding their guns pointed towards the aperture, and ready to give the bear a volley the moment he should show his snout.

As the Quan predicted, the animal had imprudently poked his head through the aperture where Pouchskin was standing ready for him. This, of course, finished the affair. It was only necessary to remove the palisades, sling the bear to a tree, and then strip him of his much-coveted skin.

On such occasions, he issues forth in a state of extreme weakness and emaciation. Not unfrequently he is altogether unable to clear away the obstacle, and perishes in his den. On hearing these explanations from the Quan, who appeared to be well acquainted with Bruin's habits, the young hunters were satisfied that a bear was really in the cave.

My tum-tum is white, I try to do right: All are welcome to come To my hearth and my home. So call in and see me, white, red or black man: I'm de-late hyas of the Kootznahoo quan. Need I add that tum-tum in the Chinook jargon signifies the soul! Joseph merely announced that he was clean-souled; also de-late hyas that is, above reproach.

It was up one of these minarets that the Duchesse de Persigny ascended, and when prayer was called she refused to come down. The Shaykh sent all kinds of emissaries and entreaties, to whom she replied: "Dites as Shaykh que je suis la Duchesse de Persigny, que jet me trouve fort bien ici, et que je ne descendrai que quan cela me plaira." She did not please for three- quarters of an hour.

You six girls are supposed to be young millionairesses, very up-to-date-bachelor-girl type, intimate friends of the leading lady, who is a multi-millionairess that's run away from home. You've all got a few lines to say. Go to Mr. Quan and get your parts and have them up by to-night."