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She's got what they call 'distemper. She has to be acclimated, or something." "It sounds as though it might hurt," observed Bobby gravely. "Something ought to hurt you," said Betty laughing. "You are forever and ever poking fun. But I am going to see Ida Bellethorne in the shop and find out what she knows about the pretty mare." "Well, I'm sorry I didn't see the horse," confessed Bobby.

I was only half awake not realizing my position a bit. I made a sudden spring, and the next moment off I went, headlong! "I don't suppose," said the Hermit reflectively, poking a stem of grass down his pipe, "that I'll ever lose the memory of the sudden, abject terror of that moment.

It seemed to penetrate all through me, and that accursed stone in my throat grew as large as an apple and felt as though someone were poking it upwards with a stick. Next he threw the white pebble into the right-hand fire, that which was opposite to me, saying: "Enter, Macumazahn, and look," and the black pebble he threw into the left-hand fire saying: "Enter, Son of Matiwane, and look.

Groups of these have been constantly leaping on to our floe. From the moment of landing on their feet their whole attitude expressed devouring curiosity and a pig-headed disregard for their own safety. They waddle forward, poking their heads to and fro in their usually absurd way, in spite of a string of howling dogs straining to get at them.

"I thought it war poking his fun at me, yer honours for I knowed the Captain hadn't been at Ballycloran that night, and that the masther had been ating his dinner at home, so I didn't be taking much notice of what he war saying, till we war mostly half down the avenue, when Mr. Thady told me the body war there.

"It means that you are now my prisoner, Dr. Mackey." "You!" ejaculated the astonished man. "Let me go, I say!" And he began to struggle more violently than ever. But by this time Old Ben was on the floor, and the negro lost no time in poking the muzzle of the gun under the surgeon's nose. This brought Dr. Mackey to a standstill, and he glared at his opponents in amazement.

Between them a pair of lean wolf-hounds wandered in and out, begging with glistening eyes and poking noses for each mouthful that was eaten, except when a motion of Helga's hand toward a convenient riding-switch made them forget hunger for the moment.

They were like the Sunday-afternoon mob starting at monkeys in the Zoo, poking fingers and making faces and giggling at the resentment of the more dignified race. With a loose-lipped, superior, village smile Uncle Whittier hinted, "What's this I hear about your thinking Gopher Prairie ought to be all tore down and rebuilt, Carrie? I don't know where folks get these new-fangled ideas.

She was a genuine busy-body; bustling about the house like a country landlady at an unexpected arrival; for ever giving the young girls tasks to perform, which the little hussies as often neglected; poking into every corner, and rummaging over bundles of old tappa, or making a prodigious clatter among the calabashes.

"Why, Fanny, didn't Tom tell you about it?" queried Jack. "Tom? Oh, you mean Mr. Ruger. He only sent me down here." "Just like him, Fan; very few words he ever wastes. Ah, sister, we don't have such men out East." "So the stage-driver told me," said Fanny, demurely. "There, Fan, you're poking fun now. Wait till I get through.