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Her face was all wrinkled up, yet there was a fresh colour in her cheeks, and her eyes, though much sunk, seemed piercingly bright. "Ye're come at last," she said, in a low clear voice, as Flora sat down on the bed, and took the wrinkled brown hand in hers. "Yes, dear Mirren, come at last," said she. "I'm very glad to get home." "Ay, and that's what I'll be the morn." "So soon, Mirren?"

"Benis. Ben nis!" she called piercingly. "He can't be very far away," she declared over her shoulder. "I have a feeling Benis!" "Who calls so loud?" quoted the professor innocently, appearing with startling suddenness from behind the boulder. "Why!" in amazed recognition. "It is Aunt Caroline!" "It is." Aunt Caroline corroborated grimly. "This is a surprise," exclaimed the professor.

The fellow cast a venomous glance at Ghek and turned away. The officer shook his head. "I do not understand it," he muttered. "Always has U-Van been a true and dependable warrior. Could it be ?" he glanced piercingly at Ghek. "Thou hast a strange head that misfits thy body, fellow," he cried. "Our legends tell us of those ancient creatures that placed hallucinations upon the mind of their fellows.

Still blameless in fact, he could not help a fear of being observed; the feeling could not have been stronger if he had come with the express purpose of seeking Thyrza. The air was cold; it blew at moments piercingly from the river. Where the sun had set, there was still a swarthy glow upon the clouds; the gas-lamps gave a haggardness to the banks and the bridges.

He wore excellent gray clothes of the same shade as his hair, and out of this neutrality of tint his bright, brown eyes sparkled piercingly. He had begun life with the assumption that to be a New York Lanley was in itself enough, a comfortable creed in which many of his relations had obscurely lived and died.

"Tell me the truth," said he abruptly, his eyes fixed piercingly upon mine, "how Tom met his death." After a moment's confusion, I answered: "I can add nothing to what has been told you, sir." He looked at me awhile in silence; then said, with a sorrowful frown: "I make no doubt you are tongue-tied by a compact. But you need not fear me.

At length we reached a place near trees and water, which would supply us with the only necessaries we required; so we built a rough shelter with boughs, for the wind was piercingly cold. We were able to defy it, however, with the help of a large fire, which we kept blazing in front of our hut.

He came to a stand perforce in front of it, and looked her full and piercingly in the eyes. "Mademoiselle," he said, and his voice was so curt that it sounded brutal, "you must come at once. The palace is in the hands of murderers. The Governor has been assassinated. In a few seconds more they will be at your door. Come!" She recoiled from him with a face of horror. "With you, monsieur?

This inhospitable plateau and the upper portion of the Bolan are subject to the most piercingly cold winds and temperature; and the sudden change from the heat of the Kachi to the cold above is most trying to the strongest constitutions.

I guessed at Wildred's powerful influence in the affair, and was ready to fancy others; but, as I was to learn long afterward, I brought forward every reason for Karine's mysterious inertness save the right one. The Quest It was a piercingly cold day when I landed in New York such cold as I had not felt since I had finished my last American visit, four years ago.