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He isn't a bit mean, and I haven't had a single thing since the puppy was poisoned." The procession had paused, and the piercingly bright eyes of each one of the little Mexicans seemed also to be asking why. Mary suddenly had to acknowledge to herself that there wasn't any good reason to prevent.

Too often they noticed that the dogs rooted up the earth, and, as if scenting death, howled piercingly, which was an omen of famine or of war. But the forest guards beheld how through the graveyard walked the Maid of Pestilence, whose brow rises above the highest trees, and who waves in her left hand a bloody kerchief.145 But the Chamberlain was seated on the bench of turf before the house.

For a moment he lay unconscious, then raising himself up, he fixed his eyes piercingly upon her, and whispered, hoarsely: "Aunt Eunice, I shall die! I have never been sick in my life; and the fever goes hard with such. I shall surely die. It's been days in coming on, and I thought to fight it off; I don't want to die. I'm not prepared."

At eleven that night she was sitting in their diminutive parlour, Hogarth at a table inscribing the association's names received by post that evening; and at last, bending low over her sewing, she said: "Richard, is it true you have been to the Hall?" He started! "Yes. Who told you?" "I heard it". He looked at her piercingly. "Answer!" "I heard it", she said with a stubborn nod, quite pallid.

"Of course I know them. Yes, I know them all." "Well?" he demanded. "Oh, quite well." Almost involuntarily she began to explain the intimacy. "I was taken to their house after a hunting accident, and I was an invalid there for several weeks." "That so?" Again piercingly the American's eyes scanned her. "You're real friendly then? With which in particular?" She hesitated momentarily.

The Author hadn't taken any too kindly to the notion of other people coming to Hynds House. He grumbled that he had hoped he had at last found a quiet haven, a place that fitted him like a glove; he protested piercingly against having it "cluttered up with uninteresting, gobbling, gabbling, ordinary people." "You came too late.

He went to his mirror, and, gazing long long and piercingly at the William there limned, enacted, almost unconsciously, a little scene of parting. The look of suffering upon the mirrored face slowly altered; in its place came one still sorrowful, but tempered with sweet indulgence. He stretched out his hand, as if he set it upon a head at about the height of his shoulder.

He met Emily in the yard of Four Winds on her way to the spring and stopped her resolutely. "Miss Oliver," he said bluntly, "is Miss Lynde angry with me? And why?" Emily looked at him piercingly. "Have you no idea why?" she asked shortly. "None in the world." She looked at him through and through a moment longer. Then, seeming satisfied with her scrutiny, she picked up her pail.

But the wind blew piercingly, and when at length he moved from the parapet, he found that his arms were quite numb; doubtless he had stood longer than he thought. Instead of returning by the direct way, he walked along the Embankment It was all but deserted; the tread of a policeman echoed from the distance.

Life, which had been merely placid a few hours before, had become suddenly poignant every instant was pregnant with happiness, every detail was piercingly vivid. Her whole being was flooded with a sensation of richness and wonder, as if she had awakened with surprise to a different world from the one she had closed her eyes on a minute before.