United States or Niger ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then at supper, lo and behold! she discussed the going away of Phyl, as though it were a matter arranged and done with and carrying her full consent and approval. During the weeks following, Phyl's impending journey kept Mrs. Hennessey busy in a spasmodic way.

He had a rare intuition for reading minds, and it seemed to him he could read Phyl's as easily as though the outside of her head were clear glass he had cause to modify this cocksure opinion later on. "Don't worry," he said. "If you don't like America when you see it, you can come back to Ireland. I daresay we can arrange something; anyhow, don't let us meet troubles half way."

Phyl's room lay on the first landing, a bright and cheerful room papered with a rather cheap flower and sprig patterned paper, spring-like for all its cheapness, and just the background for children's heads when they wake up on a bright morning.

In the evening, as soon as the children were gone to bed, Jane took a paper out of her work-basket, saying, 'There, Emily, is my account of Phyl's scrapes through this whole week; I told you I should write them all down. 'How kind! muttered Claude. Regardless of her brother, who had not looked up from his book, Jane began reading her list of poor Phyllis's misadventures.

Phyl's eyes grew half blind with tears. This cry from the Past went to her heart like a knife. The wind, strengthening for a moment, moved the window curtains, bringing with it the drowsy afternoon sounds of Charleston, sounds that seemed to mock at this voice declaring the deathlessness of its love. It was impossible to go on reading.

By the time they had parked in the hills and started climbing, Sandy's and Phyl's pockets were jingling with coins. "What are you going to do with it all?" Bud asked jokingly. "Give it to us!" snapped a strange voice. As the four young people turned with a start, they saw two men burst from the shrubbery just behind them. Both were holding guns!

I am pretty sure that if I punished Wilfred for every teasing trick I know, or guess at, he would in his present mood only become deceitful, and esprit de corps might make Val and Fergus the same, though I don't think Mysie's truth could be shaken any more than honest Phyl's. 'Besides, mutual discipline is not a thing to upset. Lily, I revere you!

"Well, then," he said, "if you're going to be in Boston together, I think you ought to see the S. B. & H. C. traffic-manager, and find out all about what kept Phyl's piano so long on the road. I think they owe her an explanation, and Gaites is a lawyer, and he's just the man to get it, with damages."

She went upstairs to change and the two young people went into the garden, where Richard Pinckney was having some alterations done. On the day Phyl's hair went up it seemed to Richard that a new person had come to live with them. Phyl had suddenly turned into a young woman and such a young woman!

From here one could get a glimpse of the first and second floor piazzas and the windows opening upon them. He could not tell which was the window of Phyl's room, it was enough for him that the place held her.