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"What means Solomon, with her 'Oh, Djimmee, 'oh, Djimmee'?" Solomon stirred heavily and looked up, flushing, her eyes avoiding the German arbours. "Na, Solemn," laughed Fraulein Pfaff. "Oh well, of course, Fraulein." Solomon sat in a crimson tide, bridling. "Solomon likes not Germans." "Go on, Elsa," rattled Bertha. "Germans are all right, me dear.

If they had occurred daily, some crisis, she felt sure would have arisen for her. The little party would file out under the leadership of Gertrude Fraulein Pfaff smiling parting directions adjuring them to come back safe and happy to the beehive and stabbing at them all the while, Miriam felt, with her keen eye through the high doorway that pierced the high wall and then charge down the street.

Across the landing someone began to sneeze rapidly sneeze after sneeze. "Ach, die Millie!" muttered Emma sleepily. For several minutes the sneezing went on. Sighs and impatient movements sounded here and there. "Ruhig, Kinder, ruhig. Millie shall soon sleep peacefully as all." Miriam could not remember hearing Fraulein Pfaff go away when she woke in the darkness feeling unendurably oppressed.

The four Germans who had neither stared nor even appeared aware of her existence, talked cheerfully across the table in a general exchange that included tall Fraulein Pfaff smiling her horse-smile Miriam provisionally called it behind the tea-urn, as chairman.

She remembered a doll she had broken years ago and buried with great pomp and circumstance, a pink parasol that had been given her as a child, the gigantic and respectable wig which had incased the head of her old German music-teacher, Frau Pfaff.

Then she would discover that someone was being discussed, generally one of the girls; or perhaps they were beginning to tell her something about Fraulein Pfaff, or talking about food. These topics made her feel ill at ease at once. Things were going wrong. It was not to discuss such things that they were together out in the air in the wonderful streets and boulevards of Hanover.

Then comes the moral of the tale expressed with a naive forcefulness to which a translation cannot do justice: Drum soil kein Pfaff, kein Kardinal, Kein Sunder nie verdammen; Der Sunder mag sein so gross er will, Kann Gottes Gnad erlangen. Two other sources supplied Wagner with material for as many effective scenes in his drama.

Most are dead Ada Clare, Wilkins, Daisy Sheppard, O'Brien, Henry Clapp, Stanley, Mullin, Wood, Brougham, Arnold all gone. And there Pfaff and I, sitting opposite each other at the little table, gave a remembrance to them in a style they would have themselves fully confirm'd, namely, big, brimming, fill'd-up champagne-glasses, drain'd in abstracted silence, very leisurely, to the last drop.

There seemed to be nothing in it but the black screen standing round the bed that was no longer hers. "Good-bye," she murmured and hurried downstairs. In the hall Fraulein began to talk at once, talking until they were seated side by side in the dark cab. Then Miriam gazed freely at the pale profile shining at her side. Poor Fraulein Pfaff, getting old.

We are all looking forward to it the tennis-club your name as a holiday member the American tournament in August Harry was the youngest lady member like you of course Harry could not let you come without knowing find somebody travelling through Fraulein Pfaff expect to see you looking like a flour-sack with a string tied round its waist all the dwarf roses in bloom hardly any strawberries we shall see you soon everybody sends."