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I put Pete to sleep wid a punch on de jaw; but de bunch knows now some one else was dere, an' Pete'll swear it was us, though he don't know who we was dat did de shootin'. I gotta make dis straight right off de bat wid Danglar." His whispering voice was labored, panting; they were climbing up the steps now. "Youse take de money to my room, Pinkie, an' wait fer me.

Then the captain hung up the receiver and came back to the waiting room. "Bargain's made, Mr. Graves," he announced. "Pete'll have some sort of a turn-out alongside soon's he can get it harnessed. If you've got any extra storm duds in that satchel of yours, I'd advise you to put 'em on. We're goin' to have a rough passage."

"He won't never get warmed up," Hurricane confided; "Pete'll knock his block off in about two minutes," and the men settled back to watch the fun with ill-concealed amusement written upon their faces.

Abandoning false pride, P. Sybarite yielded: "I don't mind if I do, thank you." "Straight on back; Pete'll take care of you, all right." A thumb indicated the door in the rear of the hall. Thither P. Sybarite betook himself on the instant, spurred by the demands of an appetite insatiable once it had won recognition.

"Pete'll be coming to-night, as sure as there's meat in eggs." "Think so?" said Tom, who felt a peculiar thrill run through him. "I'm sure on it, sir. There is a deal o' fruit left to pick yet, and you and me can do that little job better than Pete Warboys." "Let's go down and watch then." "Will you, sir?" "Yes, David, I'll come. But don't go to sleep this time."

"I reckon Sing Pete'll have to go along as usual," Old Heck answered; "it'll make it a little unhandy at the ranch, but " "Ophelia and I can 'batch' while you are gone," Carolyn June suggested. "We won't mind being alone and it will be fun to cook our own meals." "We will enjoy it," Ophelia added agreeably. "You ain't going to be alone," Old Heck said; "Skinny and me will be here.

Pete'll take the horse back. I've done the fellow lots of favours, and he won't go back on me. Don't worry, girl!" He moved the bandaged foot and winced, but not from the pain of the wound. The hard look grew deeper on his face. "I'm down on my luck, Nan," he said, hopelessly. "There's no use trying. Everything's against me, everything following me like grim death.

"Pete says all right; but he allows he'll have to have help in getting her back home, because she's got kind of antagonistic and left him. The agent says he'll put a stop to that if Pete'll just point her out. So they ride down about a mile from the agency to a shack where they's a young squaw out in front graining a deerhide and minding her own business.