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Pesquiera nodded a careless greeting and passed into the house. He did not ask of anyone where Valencia was, nor did he send in a card of announcement. A lover's instinct told him that he would find her in the room that served both as an office and a library for her, seated perhaps before the leaping fireglow she loved or playing softly on the piano in the darkness.

Onct you meet Dick you'll see why we boost for him. Hello, here's where we get off at. If you're looking for Dick, stranger, you better follow me. I'm going right up to the mine. Dick had ought to be coming up from below any minute now." Pesquiera checked his suitcase at the depot newsstand and walked up a steep hill trail with his guide.

They poured into the dining-room a mine-owner and his superintendent, a storekeeper from the village at the other end of the valley, a young woman school-teacher from the Indian reservation, a cattleman, and two Mexican sheepmen. While the fresh horses were being hitched to the stage Pesquiera and his guest stood back a little apart from the others.

The Grant has never been located, and the Mexican government yet owes the heirs, in equity, the original million dollars. The French, under Maximilian, occupied Mexico up to the American boundary line, and many Mexicans took refuge in the United States, among them Pesquiera, the governor of Sonora.

My God! had they lost their senses? These forty-two American gentlemen, who had left their wives, children, and friends in California a month or two before under a contract with Pesquiera were butchered like hogs in the streets of Caborca, and neither God nor man raised hand to stop the inhuman slaughter.

I've been kicked out of her house as a fellow not decent enough to mix with honest folks. Only yesterday I got a letter from some of her people warning me to leave the country while I was still alive. This Pesquiera is camping on my trail." "Maybe he ain't. You've only guessed that." "Guess nothing. It's a cinch." "What you going to do about it?" "Nothing." "But if he lays for you." "Good enough.

You don't know what you ask, how impossible it is for me a Pesquiera, son of my honored fathers to grant such a request." He stretched his hands toward her imploringly. "Yet you say you love me?" "Heaven knows whether it is not true, my cousin." "You want me to believe that, even though you refuse the first real request I ever made of you?" "Anything else in the world that is in my power."

Joa de Pesquiera, and on stopping at a large village some ten miles beyond, found it occupied by a rabble of some two thousand men, absolutely useless for service in the field, but capable of offering an obstinate defence to the passage of a river, or of impeding an enemy's advance through a mountain defile.

In it was deposited, at full length, the clapper little person of Don Manuel Pesquiera, after which Dick Gordon turned and went limping down the road. From the shutters of her room a girl had looked down and seen it all. She saw Don Manuel rescue himself from the ditch, all dripping with water.

Anyhow, we won't risk it. Walking's good enough for me." "Just as you please," she choked, and forthwith disappeared into the house. Gordon turned from gazing after her to find the little Spaniard bowing before him. "Consider me at your service, Mr. Gordon " "Can't use you," cut in Dick curtly. "I was remarking that, as her kinsman, I, Don Manuel Pesquiera, stand prepared to make good her words.