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He was a close reader of surfaces. But in truth, the change so notable came of the circumstance, that some little way down below the surface he perused, where heart weds mind, or nature joins intellect, for the two to beget a resolution, the battle of the man and the woman had been fought, and the man beaten.

She perused the concluding part o' her son's letter, in which he spoke enthusiastically of the kindness shown him by the fair messenger, and of the promise she had made to liberate him if possible. "And if she does," he added, "whatever be her parentage, on the day that I should be free, she should be my wife, though I have preferred death to the hand o' Sir Gideon's comely daughter."

He had perused innumerable volumes in various languages, and had indeed acquired more learning than his slender faculties were able to bear. The small intellectual spark which he possessed was put out by the fuel. Some of his books seem to have been written in a madhouse, and, though filled with proofs of his immense reading, degrade him to the level of James Naylor and Ludowick Muggleton.

They were so ignorant of the new arts that even Mary Pickford meant hardly more to them than Picasso or Matisse. Jim brought out a photograph of Kedzie, a small one that he carried in his pocket-book for company. The problem of what she looked like distracted attention for the moment from the problem of what she did and was. Mrs. Dyckman took the picture and perused it anxiously.

Nataly could not utter all that her insaneness of feeling made her think with regard to Victor's daughter daughter also of the woman whom her hard conscience accused of inflammability. 'Here is a note from Dr. Themison, dear. Victor seized it, perused, and drew the big breath. 'From Themison, he said; he coughed. 'Don't think to deceive me, said she. 'I have not read the contents, I know them.

On one subject sure to be raised against him by her parents, she had a right to be inquisitive: the baroness. She asked to see a photograph of her. Alvan gave her one out of his pocketbook, and watched her eyelids in profile as she perused those features of the budless grey woman.

General J. B. HOOD, commanding Army of the Tennessee, Confederate Army. GENERAL: Yours of September 12th is received, and has been carefully perused. I agree with you that this discussion by two soldiers is out of place, and profitless; but you must admit that you began the controversy by characterizing an official act of mine in unfair and improper terms.

When he had finished transcribing the lines, he despatched them, in charge of one of his uncle's slaves, to the Sultan, who perused them and his fancy was pleased; so he read them to those present and all praised them with the highest praise.

Dan opened and perused the epistle for a few minutes, during which intense silence was maintained in the crowd, as if they expected to hear the thoughts of the young man as they passed through his brain. "Ha! I thought so," exclaimed Dan, looking up and again addressing the crowd.

"You can read it." Kitty perused it in silence. "Am in town. Shall call this afternoon on chance of finding you in. "The very last person we wanted to blow in here just now," commented Kitty as she returned the wire. Penelope slipped it back into its envelope and replaced it on the salver. "Take it to Miss Davenant," she told the maid quietly. "And explain that you brought it to me by mistake."