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Baillarger, having dreamt that one of his friends had been appointed editor of a journal, announced the news seriously to several persons, and doubt arose in his mind only toward the end of the afternoon. Since then contemporary psychologists have gathered various observations of this kind. The emotional persistence of certain dreams is known.

His lordship shifted uneasily, and then, in face of the girl's persistence, stood for some time divided between the contending claims of Hampton Court Palace and the Tower of London. He finally decided upon the former, after first refurnishing it at Maple's. "How happy you must be!" said the breathless Jane, when he had finished. He shook his head gravely.

It had not justified its survival in our efficient days, it had held out thanks to Perry with absurd and anachronous persistence against the inevitable consolidation. Mr.

They shoved her back with their pikes, and finally one of them struck her for her persistence. "Pierre, look at her old mother; ah, Holy Virgin, what a stubborn lot are these heretics." Her mother! Great powers of heaven, could it be possible? My indignation blazed out against the inhuman guard.

Also, no doubt, the majority of Southerners would have refused to admit that they were in the wrong in the contest which was now closed; indeed, it was by pressing this peculiarly tactless question that Sumner and his friends procured most of their evidence of the persistence of "disloyalty" in the South. On the other hand, two facts already enforced in these pages have to be remembered.

I cannot forget it. I behaved very badly. I want to know that you forgive me." She told him: "Yes, then oh yes, yes." His persistence alarmed her, set her again to flight among her apprehensions. "Not when you say it like that." Her breath came in jerks, responsive to the unsteady flutters of her heart. She made an effort for control; for the first time turned to him: "Mr. Chater, please go."

The strain of the past three weeks, following upon a severe shock, had told upon her more than she knew; and this morning's sharp revulsion of feeling brought her near to purely physical collapse. And while she lay alone through two endless hours, tracing designs from the cracks in the whitewashed wall, one conviction haunted her with morbid persistence.

Most creatures would have had intelligence enough to recognise eventually that their persistence meant death to them and would have turned back, either discouraged or terrified, but the apes seemed to be incapable of either emotion and pressed resolutely on, so that their destruction became imperative if the natives of Cliff Island were not to be abandoned to their tender mercies.

Primary mathematical notions, for instance, are evidences of a successful reactive method attained in the organism and translated in consciousness into a stable grammar which has wide applicability and great persistence, so that it has come to be elaborated ideally into prodigious abstract systems of thought.

His weary ears resented the mocking persistence of Whitaker's voice. Kenny's happy-go-lucky self-indulgence, it said, had often spelled for Brian discomfort of a definite sort. . . . Well, it should not spell pain. . . . And if in the past his generosity had always been congenial, now it should hurt.