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"Peter, until payday gets around I won't have twenty cents." Bad Pete gazed at the cub keenly. "Fact!" Tom assured him. "Huh!" grunted Pete, rising. "I've been wasting my time on a pauper!" Saying which, he stalked out. Tom discreetly repressed his desire to laugh. Hazelton glided into the tent, grinning.

Just let her drift?" insisted Knowles in a tone of unbelief. "Aye! Drift, an' be blowed," affirmed Donkin with fine recklessness. The other did not see it meditated. "The stores would run out," he muttered, "and... never get anywhere... and what about payday?" he added with greater assurance. "Jack likes a good pay-day," exclaimed a listener on the doorstep.

Both yesterday and to-day we have again assembled for prayer and praise. We are in no immediate want, but on the 29th, nineteen pounds ten shillings will be due for the rent of the three Orphan Houses. To-day there was only four shillings and sevenpence in hand for the other objects of the institution, though it was the payday for some of the teachers. My comfort was the living God.

The impression was general that the affairs of the Symes Irrigation Company were entirely satisfactory, and Symes's credit had only been limited by the local merchants' own credit. Heretofore the treasury had been replenished through the activities of Mudge, but it was now disturbingly low and payday was close, while instead of the expected check from the promoter came his disquieting letter.

Say, Barry, but this is th' life, hey?" Barry beckoned him, and Little sauntered aft, rolling like a deep water man getting rid of a twelve-months' payday. "Look here, skipper," he said, halting at the deckhouse door, "I can't see why you don't give me a regular job in this boat. Dutchy there says I'm a born sailor, by the way I handle a broom.

The shaggy dog that spent most of his time pretending to sleep in front of Johnny Inkslinger's counter in the camp office was Fido, the watch dog. They were told that Paul starved Fido all winter and then, just before payday, fed him all the swampers, barn boys, and student bullcooks. The very marrow was frozen in their heads at the thought of being turned into dog food.

It gen'rally means that there's somethin' doin' in ponies or margins, and that next payday is goin' to seem a long ways off. If I'd been asked to give a guess, I should have put it as about two hundred bucks that Piddie had thrown into the market. Anyway, it wa'n't enough to knock the props out of call-money quotations; so I was lettin' Piddie do all the worryin'.

Anyway, this far from payday I kin count up mosta m’ roll without takin’ it outta m’ pocket." "This Kitchell...think it’s true that some of the ranchers are really helpin’ him?" "Don’t know. Might be he’s tryin’ to play th’ deuce against th’ whole deck. Lessen he lives on th’ kind of whisky as would make a rabbit up an’ spit in a grizzly’s eye hole, he’s got somethin’or someoneto back him.

A dozen space-armored officers with planet-perched dragons on their breasts were crowding beside Prince Bentrik in the screen from the Victrix, whooping like drunken bisonoid-herders on payday night. "I wonder," he said, almost inaudibly, "if I'll ever know if Andray Dunnan was on that ship."

The first stone was so big that working at full speed, every time it turned around once it was payday. The Little Chore Boy led a strenuous life. He was only a kid and like all youngsters putting in their first winter in the woods, he was put over the jumps by the oldtimers.