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Graham asked. "I was asleep. Katherine's call woke me up." "Asleep!" Paredes echoed. "And she didn't call at once " He broke off. Bobby grasped his arm. "What are you trying to do?" "I'm sorry," Paredes said. "Now, really, you mustn't think of that. I shouldn't have spoken. I'm more inclined to agree with the doctor's theory, impossible as it seems."

"Much as I've feared that room, I'm afraid the psychic explanation won't hold water. Paredes put his finger on it. I would have had time to get back to my room before Katherine called " "Stop, Bobby!" "Hartley! I'm afraid to go to sleep. It's dreadful not to know whether you are active in your sleep, whether you are evil and ingenious to the point of the miraculous in your sleep.

The detective outlined their failure. The district attorney listened with a frown. At the end he arose and, without saying anything, walked to the telephone. When he returned he appeared better satisfied. "Mr. Paredes," he said, "will have to be a slick article to make a clean getaway. And I'm bringing another man to keep reporters out. They'll know from Howells's murder that Mr.

Her farewell seemed pointed at the Panamanian who looked languidly up at her. "If I'm wanted I shall be in my room." "Who would want you, Katherine?" Graham blurted out. But it was clear he had caught the coincidence, too, and the trouble he had confessed a little earlier was radically increased. "That remains to be seen," Robinson sneered as soon as she had gone. "Now, Mr. Paredes."

"The details will straighten all that out," Robinson said. "I don't pretend to have them yet." "I gather not," Paredes mused, "with old Blackburn's ghost still in the offing." "That talk," Rawlins said, "won't go down from you any more. I daresay you've got most of the details in your head." "I daresay," Paredes answered dryly. He fought farther back against the detaining hands.

This glow is too white, too diffused. We must see." As he started forward Paredes grasped his arm. "There are too many of us. We would make a noise. Suppose I creep up and investigate." "There is one way in at the back," Bobby told the doctor. "Let us go there. We'll have whoever's inside trapped.

Bobby turned quickly, Paredes strolled slowly through the passage, a cigarette held in his slender, listless fingers. Bobby stared at him, remembering his surprise a few minutes ago that the Panamanian should have sat up so late, should have been, probably, in the court when they had followed Katherine to the discovery of this new crime. Paredes paused in the doorway.

"Everything was ready when he made the rendezvous here," Paredes went on. "He expected to have Bobby at hand in case his plan failed and he had to defend himself. But Maria had made sure that there should be no help for him. When the man came did you take him upstairs, Jenkins?" "No, sir. I watched that Miss Katherine didn't leave the library, but I think she must have caught Mr.

Paredes had then revolutionized the Government, and his minister, after referring to the resolution for the annexation of Texas which had been adopted by our Congress in March, 1845, proceeds to declare that

You and I believe, of course, that he is really gathering it to have it led by our one-legged hero, Santa Anna. Paredes, however, suspects that a revolution is springing up under him, and he is watching for it. Of course, for that reason, he would shoot you at once as a returned conspirator against him. As for that matter, be careful how you land, for there are many spies.