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Updated: September 21, 2024
Sometimes I bless the Lord my soul hath had the life that now I am speaking of, not only imputed to me, but the very glory of it upon my soul; for, upon a time, when I was under many condemnings of heart, and feared, because of my sins, my soul would miss of eternal glory, methought I felt in my soul such a secret motion of this Thy righteousness is in Heaven, together with the splendour and shining of the Spirit of Grace in my soul, which gave me to see clearly that my righteousness by which I should be justified from all that could condemn, was the Son of God Himself in His own Person, now at the right hand of His Father representing me complete before the Mercy-seat in His Ownself; so that I saw clearly that night and day, wherever I was, or whatever I was a doing, still there was my righteousness just before the eyes of Divine glory; so that the Father could never find fault with me for any insufficiency that was in my righteousness, seeing it was complete; neither could He say, Where is it? because it was continually at His right hand. 18
Den I say dat's well, Martha; you know, and if you b'lieve in dat we go. An' we is gwine wid Massa, sho. "'If you should go, Ham, they would accuse us of stealing you, and have us arrested for it. "'Well, I doesn't know 'bout dat. I knows we can steal our ownself away, an' go to de place whar Massa Tom lib; I knows dat. We's gwine; dat's done fix; we's gwine.
The grand character of the imaginary victim is but a species of phantom of her ownself, taken, like the German's camel, from the depths of her own self-consciousness, and projected into cloudland. This is the reason why authoresses enjoy dressing up a heroine who is ill-used.
Put she tidn't pe fery happy after she tid think she had tone it, for you see he wasn't ta fery man his ownself, and tat must pe counted. But she tid kill something: what was it, Malcolm?" "Ye sent a gran' dish fleein'," answered Malcolm. "I s' warran' it cost a poun', to jeedge by the gowd upo' 't." "She'll hear a noise of preaking; put she tid stap something soft."
Setting aside a retaliation, like your question, I say, and God knows I speak the truth, I have been tempted to do what I have done, by a provocation of sixteen years long; tempted, I say, by the brethren of your way: who, whenever they saw their opportunity, have made it their business to seek to rend us in pieces; mine ownself they have endeavoured to persuade to forsake the church; some they have rent quite off from us, others they have attempted and attempted to divide and break off from us, but by the mercy of God, have been hitherto prevented.
Drew had already thought that out. "Now, you’ve some tall talkin’ to do your ownself. I saw you roll out of your saddle back in Tennessee. How come you turn up here and now?" Anse sluiced water over his head and shoulders with cupped hands. "Do I tell it jus’ like it happened, you’ll think I’m callin’ up mountains outta prairie-dog hills, it’s that crazy. But it’s range truth.
"I'm not going to go buttin' in where I'm not wanted any more than you would, Jim. I'll play this hand out with a cool head, but I'm going to play it my ownself." "All right. It's your say-so. I'll admit you've got a claim. But you want to remember one thing if anything happens to you I cayn't square it with Phyl. Go slow, boy!"
Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry, This above all to thine ownself be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. The time has come to close this little book.
'Still, I don't see what I can do now, papa. Perhaps I've been foolish; but what I did, I did of my ownself. It was not suggested to me. And I'm sure it was not wrong in morals, whatever it might be in judgment. As I said, it is all over now; what I did ended the affair, I am thankful to say; and it was with that object I did it.
If we had the sense we shoulda been born with, we’d ride hell-to-thunder outta here now!" "Anse"—Drew wriggled up on one elbow—"you do that. I ain’t going to pull you into anything—" "So," the Texan said, nodding, "you’ve been swallowin’ down a whim-wham or two your ownself?" "Yes, but every one of them could be only a shadow to scare a jackrabbit."
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