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"Miss Farwell, I want you to meet our minister, Reverend Matthews." There was an amused smile on Dan's face as he held out his hand. "I believe Miss Farwell and I have met before." But the young woman ignored the out-stretched hand, and her voice had an edge, as she answered, "It is possible sir. I am forced to meet so many strangers in my profession, you know, but I I have forgotten you."

She was standing by the entrance to the cave when, high above her head, she heard the falling of stones and the cry of a human voice. She started and listened with out-stretched neck and strung sinews, motionless. Then she broke suddenly into a loud and piercing shout of joy, and flinging up her arms she flew up the mountain towards a traveller who came swiftly down to meet her. "Hermas!

She came towards him with out-stretched hand and a delightful smile. "You; so soon again!" she exclaimed. "Were there so many mistakes?" Mannering's face softened. He was half ashamed of his irritation. He answered her kindly. "Scarcely any, Hester," he answered. "Your typing is always excellent." Her anxiety was only half allayed. "There is nothing else wrong?" she demanded, breathlessly.

In the center was a wide opening resembling an immense bull's eye encased in orange skin a circle of the firmament worked out on a background of king blue silk on which were woven silver seraphim with out-stretched wings. This material had long before been embroidered by the Cologne guild of weavers for an old cope. The setting was complete.

"Poor fellow!" exclaimed the irrepressible enthusiast, looking aghast at Slag, "exposure and excitement have driven him mad!" "Looks like it!" replied Slag, with a quiet grin, as he stooped to assist the widow and little Lizzie to land, while ready hands were out-stretched to aid and congratulate the old grandfather, and the rest of the rescued people.

Twice she sprang forward and seized him by the arm, but he shook her off roughly and hastened on. As they entered the carrefour, the girl ran in front of him and pushed him back with all her strength. "Come, now," said the man, recovering his balance, "you had better stop this before I lose patience. Go back!" The girl barred his way with slender arms out-stretched.

Near and nearer they drew, the trackers and the tracked, till they were come to a place where the underbrush fell away and cover there was none: and here, very suddenly, forth leapt Roger with Walkyn at his heels; up reared the startled horse, and thereafter the knight was dragged from his saddle and Walkyn's terrible axe swung aloft for the blow, but Black Roger turned and caught Walkyn's arm and so they strove together furiously, what time the knight lay out-stretched upon the ling and stirred not.

He himself was indeed no weakling, and his stormy indignation added to his desire to measure himself against the hated seducer. "Come on come on!" he cried; his eyes flashing, and leaning forward with his neck out-stretched and ready on his part for the struggle.

Her hands dropped, she stood very still with drawn face, grayish-brown, both hands unconsciously out-stretched, and the cotton swaying, while deep down in her eyes, dimly, slowly, a horror lit and grew. He paused a moment, then came slowly onward doggedly, drunkenly, with torn clothes, flying collar, and red eyes.

No white man, no matter what his ancestry may be, should be ashamed to greet any of those Negro cavalrymen with out-stretched hand. The swellest of the Rough Riders counted our troopers among their best friends and asked them to their places in New York when they returned, and I believe the wealthy fellows will prove their admiration had a true inspiration."