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Dandie looked but half contented, and still remained stationary. "Anything more, my friend?" "Only, sir, about the succession of this leddy that's dead, auld Miss Margaret Bertram o' Singleside." "Ay, what about her?" said the counsellor, rather surprised. "Ou, we have nae connection at a' wi' the Bertrams," said Dandie, "they were grand folk by the like o' us.

Our object is to review some specimen of what would have been recognised by his contemporaries as representative of the average flight of his genius. Such a specimen is to be found in Alzire, ou Les Américains, first produced with great success in 1736, when Voltaire was forty-two years of age and his fame as a dramatist already well established.

Dymodique, je revins, me parut plus belle et plus grande encore qu'

"Well, Malcomson," said he, "how do you like the bearded fellow in the garden?" "Ou, yer honor, weel eneugh; he does ken something o' the sceence o' buttany, an' 'am thinkin' he must hae been a gude spell in Scotland, for I canna guess whare else he could hae become acquent wi' it." "I see Malcomson, you'll still persist in your confounded pedantry about your science.

Leur habillement consiste en deux ou trois robes de coton l'une sur l'autre, et qui descendent jusqu'aux pieds. Par-dessus celles-l

HAMLET ou LE DISTRAIT Pièce de Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown: Pièce de Shakespeare, don't you know. It's so French. The French point of view. Hamlet ou... The absentminded beggar, Stephen ended. John Eglinton laughed. Yes, I suppose it would be, he said. Excellent people, no doubt, but distressingly shortsighted in some matters.

He wrote: "Tolstoy, comme créateur, comme romancier, comme poète épique, pour mieux dire, est un des quatre ou cinq plus grands génies de notre siècle. Comme penseur, il est un des plus faibles esprits de l'Europe." Not all that, replies Remy de Gourmont; Tolstoy may be wildly mistaken, but he is never weak-minded.

The proof is satisfactory; the operation is important to the present theory; and therefore I shall give it in his own words. «Tous les blocs de granit dur dégagés et sortis entièrement des masses qui forment les montagnes, posent immédiatement sur le granit friable ou sur d'autres blocs durs qui eux-mêmes sont sur le granit friable.

"Ou, sir, the bairn aye held an unca wark wi' the supervisor, and it was generally thought he went on board the vessel with him." "No, no; you're clean out there, Luckie! The young laird was stown awa' by a randy gipsy woman they ca'd Meg Merrilies," said the deacon.

Though 'd'ailleurs', between you and me, 'ou est-ce que cela mene'? To nothing, while that formidable union of three great Powers of Europe subsists against him, could that be any way broken, something might be done; without which nothing can. I take it for granted that the King of Prussia will do all he can to detach France. Why should not we, on our part, try to detach Russia?