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But the early Christian monks believed that their safety was only in flight. It was not altogether an unworthy motive; at least it is easy to sympathize with these men struggling against odds, of the magnitude of which the modern Christian has only the faintest conception.

"I'll take the same odds and do that myself. How could any normal human being miss the rattle of the Sixth Avenue Elevated?" Devar's forehead wrinkled with surprise. "Hello, there! Hold on! How often have you told me that you had never seen New York since you were a baby?" he cried.

One of the men had seized a chair and swung it high, to strike, with murder in his eye. Attracted by the confusion, the other occupants of the floor had rushed into the hall. The door was flung open and instantly blocked with a mass of sinister menacing faces. Until then, Ben had been silent as death, silent as one who realizes that he is fighting for life against overwhelming odds.

Yet Pierre le Rouge answered this man of sorrowful wisdom: "In my part of the country men say: 'If you would speak of women let money talk for you." And he placed a gold piece on the table. "She will come out to the supper table." "She will not," smiled Wilbur, and covered the coin. "Will you take odds?" "No charity. Who else will bet?" "I," said Jim Boone instantly.

In the latter year Major Haller, leading an exploring party, was surrounded by the savages and cut off from food and water, only making his escape by a fight of two days against overwhelming odds. He and his party at last hewed their desperate way through, losing their entire outfit, besides one-fifth of their number.

You are sad all day, then some strangers come, and you are all smiles. Your smiles do not come in my direction as often as I should like." "Well, then, look at me," said Gretchen. The smile would have dazzled an anchorite, let alone a man who didn't know whether he loved her for certain, but who was willing to give odds that he did! "Gretchen!" I cried, starting toward her.

The sound of firing became louder and louder, and Tom felt his heart beat quickly at the thought that he might soon be engaged in a desperate fight with the Indians, and that with the odds greatly against his party. Presently the hills fell sharply away, and they were at the entrance of the valley of the Riviere de Noir, which is the principal arm of the Big Wind River at this point.

The contents were a couple of broken chairs, and some coats and rugs hung upon hooks upon the walls, together with a miscellaneous assortment of odds and ends upon a shelf. I gave merely a cursory glance at the contents of this apartment, for my attention had been attracted by a plant of machinery, which occupied the far end of the large room.

Mr Seagrave examined the fleet of canoes with the glass. "It is, indeed, dreadful odds to contend against." "Yes, sir, but three muskets behind a stockade are almost a match for all their clubs and spears, provided none of us are wounded." "Well, Ready, we must put our trust in the Lord, and do our best; I will second you to the utmost of my power, and William, I'm sure, will do his duty."

He took the proffered odds, on the cry as of a cracker splitting. Enormous difficulties in regard to the testimony and the verifications were discussed; they were overcome. Potts was ready for any amount of trouble; Mallard the same. There was clearly a race. There would consequently be a record.