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Maskull frowned, but said nothing. "Well?" demanded Oceaxe, with a half smile. "I'll come with you, and I'll see Crimtyphon if only to warn him." Oceaxe broke into a cascade of rich, feminine laughter, but whether at the image conjured up by Maskull's last words, or from some other cause, he did not know. The conversation dropped.

He obeyed, rather shamefacedly, for he realised that the proposed exchange was in fact more appropriate to his sex. He found the skin a freer dress. Oceaxe in her drapery appeared more dangerously feminine to him. "I don't want you to receive gifts at all from other women," she remarked slowly. "Why not? What can I be to you?" "I have been thinking about you during the night."

It will take longer to transform his head into a crown, but still I hope in fact I can almost promise that within a month you and I, Oceaxe, will be plucking and enjoying fruit from this new and remarkable tree." "I love these natural experiments," he concluded, putting out his hand for another plum. "They thrill me." "This must be a joke," said Maskull, taking a step forward.

Oceaxe looked both haughty and frightened. "Maskull says that so as to shield me, as he thinks. I require no shield, Maskull. I killed him, Tydomin." "I believe you, Oceaxe. You did murder him. Not with your own strength, for you brought this man along for the purpose." Maskull took a couple of steps toward Tydomin.

Still as far as I am concerned, murder is murder, and I'll have no more to do with a woman who wants to make use of me, to get rid of her husband." "You think me wicked?" demanded Oceaxe steadily. "Or mad." "Then you had better leave me, Maskull only " "Only what?" "You wish to be consistent, don't you? Leave all other mad and wicked people as well. Then you'll find it easier to reform the rest."

They accordingly went to it, and Maskull sat down. Oceaxe, however, standing graceful and erect, turned her face toward the cliffs opposite, and uttered a piercing and peculiar call. "What is that for?" She did not answer. After waiting a minute, she repeated the call. Maskull now saw a large bird detach itself from the top of one of the precipices, and sail slowly down toward them.

Maskull saw her limbs wrench as she stumbled over the edge. Her body disappeared, and as it did so an awful shriek sounded. Disillusionment had come to her an instant too late. He tore himself out of his stupor, rushed to the edge of the cliff, threw himself on the ground recklessly, and looked over.... Oceaxe had vanished.

"You had better teach me the signs." "We'll have many things to go over together. And among them, I expect, will be whether we are to stay in the land at all.... But first let us get home." "How far is it now?" "It is right in front of you," said Oceaxe, pointing with her forefinger. "You can see it."

"Still, if you have male instincts, as I suppose you have, you can't go on resisting me forever." "But this is preposterous," said Maskull, opening his eyes wide. "Granted that you are a beautiful woman we can't be quite so primeval." Oceaxe sighed, and rose to her feet. "It doesn't matter. I can wait." "From that I gather that you intend to make the journey in my society.

I have no objection in fact I shall be glad but only on condition that you drop this language." "Yet you do think me beautiful?" "Why shouldn't I think so, if it is the fact? I fail to see what that has to do with my feelings. Bring it to an end, Oceaxe. You will find plenty of men to admire and love you." At that she blazed up. "Does love pick and choose, you fool?