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That M. Quatrefages should maintain such a postulate, his patriotism if not his scientific reputation might lead us to expect; but that Obermüller should be so eager to trace German origin back to the first murderer is rather more suprising. Obermüller's work embraces in its general scope the origin of all European nations, but the most striking part is that relating to Germany.

Well, it blazes dollars into Obermuller's box all right, for the Gray jewels are advertised in the bill with this one at the head of the list, the star of them all. You see it's this way: Lord Harold Gray's bankrupt. He's poor as as Nance Olden. Isn't that funny? But he's got the family jewels all right, to have as long as he lives.

Oh, Maggie, I felt so little and so nasty! I haven't felt like that since I left the Cruelty. And I'm not nasty, Maggie, and I'm Fred Obermuller's wife, and And that put a backbone in me again. Fred Obermuller's wife just won't let anybody think worse of her than she can help from sheer love and pride in that big, clever husband of hers.

Those fellows with the badges were sure I was, but Obermuller's eyes only twinkled, and the manager's grin grew broad when, catching up the end of my skirt and cake-walking up and down, I sang under my breath that coon-song that was trailing over and over through my head. "Bravo! bravo!" whispered the manager, hoarsely, clapping his hands softly.

Just you come down to the Vaudeville and ask for Nance Olden some day, and I'll tell you why." "Gee!" said Kitty, impressed. "Shall shall I call ye a hansom, lady?" Should she! The blessed inspiration of her! I got into the wagon and we drove down street to the Vaudeville. I burst in past the stage doorkeeper, amazed to see me, and rushed into Fred Obermuller's office. "There!"

I gave one of those quick, funny, boyish nods the star inside affects and wiped my lips with my handkerchief. That brought down my house. Even the biggest fellow with the badge giggled recognizingly, and then put his hand quickly in front of his mouth and tried to look severe and official. The color had come back to Obermuller's face; it was worth dancing for that.

I can't ever quite get used to that, you know, though I sail around there with all the airs of the leading lady. Sometimes I see a twinkle in Fred Obermuller's eye when I catch him watching me, and goodness knows he's been glum enough of late, but it wasn't Yes, I'm going to tell you, but it's rattled me a bit, Maggie. I'm so so sorry, and a little oh, just a little, little bit glad!

Can she act? Don't be silly, Mag! Can't you see that Obermuller's just hiring her title and playing it in big letters on the bills for all it's worth? She acts the Lady Patroness, come to look at us Charity girls. She comes on, though, looking like a fairy princess. Her dress is just blazing with diamonds. There's the Lady's coronet in her hair.

It looks as though the press, if you please, had discovered a new stage star, for down comes a little reporter to interview me me, Nancy Olden! Think of that, Mag! I receive him all in my Charity rig, and in Obermuller's office, and he asks me silly questions and I tell him a lot of nonsense, but some truths, too, about the Cruelty. Fancy, he didn't know what the Cruelty was!

He could throttle the world with his bare hands, if it had but one neck, in the mood he must be in now. It was when I couldn't bear it a moment longer that I set my mind to find something else to think of. I found it, Mag. Do you know what it was? It was just three words of Obermuller's: "Earn it now."