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Of course they had a great deal to talk about; the fun they had had at Oaklands, and what they had all done afterwards; then they had to discuss the changes in the school; the qualities of the new boys who had arrived, and what had become of the old ones who had gone away.

As he rode home through the rain he thought over every trifling incident of his hour at Oaklands. He recalled every topic of conversation, without finding a clue to the enigma. "He's harking back to my old transgression in upholding Stone," was his conclusion.

"You have got an instalment of that already, permission to dispense the fruit and vegetables. The work has been given as a punishment for making acquaintance with common people." "That will be a pleasure; see what I am already doing for some of them." I took my forgotten knitting work from my pocket. "I deeply regret I must so soon leave Oaklands.

Winthrop's parlors in those two weeks, not one had paid me so little attention as this Maurice Graem; and now both he and Mr. Bovyer had written, asking my guardian's permission to have me as life-long companion and friend. "What shall it be, Medoline? You cannot say yes to both of them." The question startled me. "Are you very anxious for me to leave Oaklands?" My lips quivered as I spoke.

Behold our household now settled in our city home, our summer by the sea, with all its many pleasures, and its measure of perplexities and anxieties, a thing of the past; our stay at Oaklands, where papa had enjoyed himself to his heart's content, all the more for his enforced absence of the previous months, also over; and the different members of the family, according to his or her individual taste, occupied with divers plans and projects for the winter's duties and diversions.

He then asked the King of Oaklands to bestow on Prince Redmond the hand of his daughter Helda, declaring that it was to Prince Redmond that they owed the breaking of the enchantment, and not to himself.

I will try," he exclaimed amid the general laugh. He touched the keys, and then pausing a moment, left the instrument. "I am not in the mood to-night for such a difficult task. I may make the attempt some stormy winter's night at Oaklands. I believe I have a standing invitation there," he said, joining us around the fire. Mr.

"Thank you, madam," said I; "perhaps you can tell me the name of the delightful grounds in which we stand, supposing they have a name?" "They are called Oaklands," said the lady. "A very proper name," said I, "for there is plenty of oaks growing about. But why are they called by a Saxon name, for Oaklands is Saxon?"

I should have staid at Oaklands, and saved my money for the Mill Road folk." "You must have the temptation, if you are to have the credit of overcoming it." "Is there not a wonderful petition left for us by One who knows all things? 'Lead us not into temptation." "I do not think this is a parallel case.

Winthrop was at Oaklands, overseeing some special preparations to do honor to the home-coming of his bride, I met Le Grande at a ball. He danced superbly, and he was my partner that evening in so many dances that my chaperone began to look darkly at me; while I saw many a meaning glance directed at us.