United States or Christmas Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Marianna remarked quite innocently that though she hated Antonio and Salvator, yet she liked their singing, for nothing was so nice as to hear music floating upwards in the night air.

"I am going to judge of your savoir faire; I will see whether you get a nice table; whether you order the proper things; whether you command sufficient attention " "I was never taught to bully waiters," said he. "To bully waiters! is that your notion of savoir faire?" she answered, lightly. "My dear Jim, the bullying of a waiter is the most obvious and outward sign of the ingrained, incurable cad.

I've lived there sixteen years got a nice little wife there here's her picture and see here, this is my name," and he laid an envelope before me with a New York postmark. "Well," I said, "if you are an American citizen, what are you doing here, in a French uniform? The States are not in the war." His eyes simply snapped. "My God, lady, I'm a Frenchman just the same.

"But the important point is: Is she also a NICE DAMSEL? One thing she has in her favour and that is that she appears only just to have left school, and not to have had time to become womanly in the worser sense. At present, therefore, she is like a child. Everything in her is simple, and she says just what she thinks, and laughs merely when she feels inclined.

She felt, at least, that sentiment that is akin to love. "Don't take it so hard, please," she said, gently. "It's all for the best. I've reasoned it out very wisely all by myself. Some day you'll be glad I didn't marry you. It would be very nice and lovely for a while but, just think! In only a few short years what different tastes we would have!

Dundee accepted the suggestion gratefully, as if it had not occurred to him. "But first I want you to come out to lunch with me. I'm sure you know of some nice tearoom or roadhouse in the neighborhood."

Strange thing, ain't it considerin' what a hard little ticket you are." Bos'n laughed. She understood her "Uncle Cy," and didn't mind being called a "hard ticket" by him. "I I didn't believe anybody COULD have such a nice Christmas. I never saw so many nice things." "Humph! What do you like best?" The answer was a question, and was characteristic. "Which did you give me?" asked Bos'n.

So many of them were men, she noted; so many of them were men with nice faces who might have been the fathers of travelling daughters they had come to meet. She felt a sudden and most unexpected bewilderment sweep over her as she looked about. How would she ever find her father here, among all these hundreds and hundreds of people?

"O dear, no," cried Polly, hastily, all in a tremble, and only anxious to get it out of her mind as soon as possible, and whirling around with her back to the wonderful picture. "I s'pose, now, your Ma don't approve of 'em," he said, looking quite solemn all at once; "well there, I s'pose they ain't quite 'xactly the thing, but they look pretty nice on paper.

Do you disapprove of salted and boiled beef for a child? If beef be much salted it is hard of digestion, and therefore ought not to be given to him; but if it have been but slightly salted, then for a change there will be no objection to a little. There is no necessity in the winter time to salt meat intended for boiling; then boiled unsalted meat makes a nice change for a child's dinner.