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"Not even nervous?" "No, Lady Janet." "Ha! I should hardly have given you credit for so much courage after my experience of you a week ago. I congratulate you on your recovery." "Thank you, Lady Janet." "I am not so composed as you are. We were an excitable set in my youth and I haven't got the better of it yet. I feel nervous. Do you hear? I feel nervous." "I am sorry, Lady Janet."

The yacht fleet did not appear up the bay; but it was only nine o'clock in the morning, and possibly the meeting of the club would not take place till afternoon. If any one had told him the hour, he had forgotten it, but the former meeting had been in the forenoon. He was too nervous to sit still a great while, and, rising, he walked about, musing upon his grand scheme.

Why don't you drive down to Hurlingham with us? And go to the theatre now and then. At your time of life you ought to take an interest in things. You're a young woman!" The brooding look darkened on her face; he grew nervous. "Well, I know nothing about it," he said; "nobody tells me anything. Soames ought to be able to take care of himself.

But I had given my word, and though I longed, again and again, as I rode toward London, and as the time drew near for my performance, to back out, there was no way that I could do so. And Tom Valiance did his best to cheer me and hearten me, and relieve my nervousness. I have never been so nervous before. Not since I made my first appearance before an audience have I been so near to stage fright.

As a finger on the snow alters the course of the toboggin, and a nervous push makes it slue round, scattering the inmates, it is needless to say the tyro in front is admonished to preserve the most absolute immobility.

His face, too, had lost its vacant and careless air, and the poor creature looked hollow-eyed, meagre, half-starved, and nervous to a pitiable degree. After long hesitation, he at length approached Waverley with some confidence, stared him sadly in the face, and said, 'A' dead and gane a' dead and gane.

She lay, I suppose, in her bed feeling nervous and wrought up as I had been doing. She realized that a great change was about to take place in her life and was glad and afraid too. There she lay thinking of it all. Then she got out of bed and began talking to me on the bit of paper. She told me how afraid she was and how glad too. Like most young women she had heard things whispered.

NERVOUS PIANIST: "I'm afraid there's a mistake somewhere. What are you singing?" Don't you know it?" Friend finally suggests that it doesn't matter what Harris is singing so long as Harris gets on and sings it, and Harris, with an evident sense of injustice rankling inside him, requests pianist to begin again. HARRIS: " `When I was young and called to the Bar. "

"I was not in a position to contradict any thing, even if I had wished to do so. But, I remember, I thought I would speak to you about my brother. You know enough of him already to guess why I am nervous about him. I almost forced him to take me abroad; and he is exposed to so many more dangers here than at home. Please, don't encourage him to play, or tempt him into any thing wrong.

And she remained standing before him in the same attitude of listening expectancy as he had remarked in her already. "What are you waiting for listening for?" asked Max sharply. "Nothing," she answered with a start. "I'm nervous, that's all. Wouldn't you be, if you'd been waiting two days outside an empty house with a dead man inside it?" Her tone was sharp and querulous.

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