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The impression they had made on her nauseated her, while the memory of their red cheeks, full contours, youthfulness and undeniable animal charm enraged her. The other picture which had branded itself on her memory was the sight of Almo, straightening up after stooping over his butchered predecessor, clasping the triple turquoise necklace about his throat. Almo was King of the Grove.

He nauseated himself with that vile countenance. Could the thing continue? What bound him now? Had he no rights? only the obligation to go on, without discharge or furlough, bearing the unbearable?

Seeing that they would not return, he heaved the toothsome delicacy at the lad, who, instead of catching it, knocked it into the river, whereat the chief became highly excited, and evidently somewhat wroth. The last they saw of him, he and others were trying to recover it by the aid of a pole. "Isn't it horrible?" said Ralph, feeling nauseated at the idea and the sight.

Miss Toland said, trying to keep the acute distress she felt out of her tone. "I feel so nauseated!" Julia complained. "So uncertain!" "Yes, I know," the nurse said soothingly, whisking out of the room. Miss Toland followed her into the hall. "She's in great pain, she won't have much of this?" asked the older woman anxiously.

We try so hard to eat it for we are tired and hungry, but no one of us is able to get it down. We leave the table hungry and slightly nauseated. Another long march in silence through various channels into a large dormitory and through a double line of cots ! Then we stand, weary to the point of fainting, waiting the next ordeal.

"Think you'll four-flush, huh? Well, we'll see after sun-up." He turned his back on the prisoner and walked over to where the old Navaho was starting a fire for the inevitable flapjacks, bacon, and coffee. The thought of food nauseated Lennon. But he would have given a thousand dollars for one of the canteens of water.

He was bitterly angry because she had forced this farce upon him. He felt that she was laughing all over. The pretty pinkness of her open mouth nauseated him. He thought of all the men who had kissed her, and had been ruined by her as though by the touch of a deadly plague. He pressed her tongue down with a deliberate roughness. "You 'urt," she muttered. But her eyes were still amused.

"How could you have lent yourself to such a bargain?" was her next question. "How, indeed?" I asked in my turn. "From your mother you have heard something of the reputation that attaches to Bardelys. I was a man of careless ways, satiated with all the splendours life could give me, nauseated by all its luxuries. Was it wonderful that I allowed myself to be lured into this affair?

The nauseated feeling grew more acute.... Reaching my office, I shut the door, sat down at my desk, summoned my will, and began to jot down random notes for the part of my speech I was to give the newspapers, notes that were mere silly fragments of arguments I had once thought effective. I could no more concentrate on them than I could have written a poem.

She moved no more than if she were such a figure; even her eyes, whose unwinking stare plunged into his own, though shining, were lifeless, as though they were as artificial as her teeth. For the first time Razumov became aware of a faint perfume, but faint as it was it nauseated him exceedingly. Again Peter Ivanovitch tapped him slightly on the shoulder.