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Natty old chips, shrewd portly fellows, Jews, trainers looking as if they had never been guilty of seeing a horse in their lives; tall, flapping, languid women, or brisk, loud-voiced women; young men with an air as if trying to take it seriously two or three of them with only one arm. 'Life over here's a game! thought Val.

This account of course excited our curiosity, and we all hurried on, hoping to find the creature which the boys had seen. They led us some way into the forest. "We shall frighten him if we make a noise," whispered Natty. "But I say he is a wild man, and I do not think he will be frightened," said Leo. "Only take care; if he has companions they may rush out and surprise us."

Oliver and Elizabeth approached the graves with a light tread, unheard by the old hunter, whose sunburnt face was working, and whose eyes twinkled as if something impeded their vision. After some little time Natty raised himself slowly from the ground, and said aloud: “Well, well I’m bold to say it’s all right!

The wonderful exploit of Leather-Stocking was noised through the field with great rapidity, and the sportsmen gathered in, to learn the truth of the report. “What” said young Edwardshave you really killed a pigeon on the wing, Natty, with a single ball

I find out he take elephant's tusks and de meat de oder day, but he no tell us, lest we ask to have dem again." We considered it wise not to say anything about the elephant's tusks, and, glad to get out of the village, we proceeded homewards. "Whom have you brought?" exclaimed Leo, when he saw us arrive. When we told him, he and Natty expressed themselves well pleased at having some companions.

They were impelled by paddles with broad blades; and the sound of voices reached our ears as if they were singing. "I do not think they can be enemies, or they would not be so merry," said Natty. "I hope not," I observed. "If we could stop them we might hire their canoes to convey us up the river."

For half an hour Desmond wandered in a desultory fashion along the quiet roads of natty houses with brightly painted doors and shining brass knockers. He had no definite objective; but he hoped rather vaguely to pick up some clue that might lead him to Mrs. Malplaquet's.

The yolk alone had set, but that looked tolerably tempting; and on putting it to my mouth I could scarcely distinguish it, except by a peculiar flavour, from the yolk of a bird's egg. A couple, however, satisfied me. "They will last the longer for not being too nice," observed Natty; "and we do not know how long we may have to stay here."

He was a remarkably handy man could make or mend anything. So she would say: "I do like that coal-rake of your mother's it is small and natty." "Does ter, my wench? Well, I made that, so I can make thee one!" "What! why, it's a steel one!" "An' what if it is! Tha s'lt ha'e one very similar, if not exactly same." She did not mind the mess, nor the hammering and noise. He was busy and happy.

I will come often to see you, with my friend; we will make up your clothes with our own hands; indeed, indeed, you shall be comfortable“Would ye, childrensaid Natty, advancing across the floor with an air of kindness, and taking the hand of Elizabeth, “would ye be so kearful of an old man, and just for shooting a beast which cost him nothing?