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He was beginning to be frightened. Could something Neb was trying to hide have happened to the mare? "Bekase bekase " Ned stammered, "well, to tell de trufe, suh, bekase I is afeared she ain't quite dressed." "Not dressed! The mare not dressed! Have you lost your senses? Open that door quick!" "Marse Frank, I cain't. I nachully jus' cain't." Holton was enjoying this.

I always take it as a great compliment when folks confide the deepest secrets of their heart to me. And Id'no why it is, but they most always do; I mean them that I take to nachully. Sometimes I've felt first rate by it and spozed it wuz because I had such a noble riz up look to my face.

"No, thuh," he was wont to say, with his inimitable lisp "no, thuh, you can't keep a good man down. 'Tain't no use a-talkin', you jeth can't. It don't do me no harm to go back to rubbin' now an' then. It jeth nachully keepth me on good termth with de hothes." And, indeed, it did seem that his prophecies were surer and his knowledge more direct after one of these periods of enforced humility.

Old black Tom, the butler, had been Madam's chief domestic prop for a quarter of a century. He had been the patient buffer between her and the other servants, taking her domineering with unfailing meekness, and even venturing her defense when mutiny threatened below stairs. "You-all don't understand old Miss," he would say loyally. "She's all right, only she's jes' nachully mean, dat's all."

Why, you've been the makin' of me. And a long time ago, when I used to drink licker and fight, you'd set up and wait for me and you never scolded me, and that very fact turned me agin licker, for I jest nachully thought that it was too much work for you to keep up a show of good humor all the time.

But Dotie wuz evidently thinkin' about the sermon she had hearn so lately, and she went on to ask, "Was Jesus a Jew?" And I sez, "Yes, dear." "Why," sez she, "I always thought Dod wuz a Presbyterium." That wuz her Aunty Huff's persuasion, which she nachully thought couldn't be improved on.

I nachully out-grow'd 'em, for I seed if the Great Captain 'ud command us all to jine armies an' fight the worl', the Baptis' 'ud never go in, unless it was a sea-fight. "From them to the Cam'elites was easy, for I seed they was web-footed, too.

But I do know this, that the beautiful Peace Monument is smashed all to pieces under the feet of the thousands and thousands of men sent out to murder and be murdered, and it is doubtful to me if the Zar can ever contoggle it up agin to be as strong as it wuz before. You know he will nachully git his muscles and will and temper kinder stiff jinted leadin' the armies and gittin' so awful mad.

And he always said when he got married I wuz to live with him, that nachully sot up his Ma's back, and I santered off one day, never tole her I wuz goin', but jest lifted up my train, I wore long pink and blue satin dresses then, and I jest santered out the house over to Californy and Asia and so on to Chicago, and then hired out to Miss Dotie's ma.

An' if there's any other church that'll teach me somethin' new about Jesus Christ, that puffect Man, I'll jine it. I've never seed a church that had Him in it that wa'n't good enough for me." The old man smiled in humorous retrospection as he went on: "The first company of Christians I jined was the Hard-shells. I was young an' a raw recruit an' nachully fell into the awkward squad.