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Well, Boyle, we'll make it all legal now. I charge you with murderin' Morris Miller on the night of July 3rd. I warn you now that everythin' you say may be used against you." As he was about to be led out of the room, Professor Brierly asked a question. "Mr. Boyle, the watch you spoke of. What kind of watch is it, a wrist watch or a pocket watch?"

"You see the way of it was this: As soon as I got to understand that they was likely to scuttle the ship, the first thing I says to myself was: `I wonder, I says, `what size auger them murderin' scoundrels is likely to use?

"The next mornin' I found I'd lost me leave paper. I was afraid to go and report it in case it had been picked up, and they'd run me in for this murder job. That's how I come to desert, gentlemen, and spoilt a eighteen years' conduct sheet without a entry over this murderin' spy here!"

"Have I though!" said the man, setting down the food on a small deal table that stood at the head of the bedstead; "don't think it, my man; your time's up in another two hours. Hallo! where got ye the dog?" "It came in with me last night, to keep me company, I fancy, which is more than the human dogs o' this murderin' place had the civility to do."

"What folks want now is a detective story. Feller sees a hole in a fence an' says, 'Ha! there's ben a murder! Somebody asks what makes him think so, an' the detective feller says, takin' out a magnifie-in' glass, 'Thet hole's a bullet-hole, an' the traces o' blood aroun' the edges shows the bullet went through a human body afore it went through the fence. 'Then, says some one, 'where's the body? 'That, says the detective, 'is what we mus' diskiver. So the story goes on to show how the body were diskivered an' who did the murderin'."

I' th' second, hangin isn't a coomfortable way o' deein. Yo wait till I coom for yo, an when we'st ha got reet away, an can just laugh in her face if she riles us, that'll spite her mich moor nor murderin. The black eyes gleamed uncannily for a moment and the sobbing ceased. But the gleam passed away, and the child sat staring at the moorland distance, seeing nothing.

Corrigan's took his deputies out, trailin' Trevison, chargin' him with murderin' Braman, when his real purpose is to get his claws on that record! Trevison's been fightin' our fight for us, an' we've stood around like a lot of gillies, lettin' him do it!

And I didn't think there was any grizzly in forty miles." Mackenzie took the lantern, sweeping its light over the mangled bodies of several sheep, torn limb from limb, scattered about as if they had been the center of an explosion. "A murderin' old stock-killer!" said Dad, panting, out of breath. Mackenzie held up the light, looking the old man in the face.

"'Tain't no biznuss of yourn if I do," the old man savagely replied. "Maybe not. But cool off, now, and be reasonable. You'll be sorry enough for what you've done already, and if you were to do more you'd have to stand your trial for murder." "'Twont be for murderin' her w'en I gits in de jug. But I'll murder you if yer don't leave dis place right off."

You said this gentleman," indicating the nervous and apprehensive Captain Elisha, "was fightin' and murderin'. I ask your pardon, sir. 'Twas this bloke's foolishness. G'wan ashore! You make me sick. Good day, Mr. Pearson." He departed, driving his new victim before him and tongue-lashing him all the way. The captain drew a long breath. "Say, Mr.