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But since he was denied speech, he scorned the inarticulate mouthings of the lower animals. The vulgar mewing and yowling of the cat species was beneath him; he sometimes uttered a sort of articulate and well-bred ejaculation, when he wished to call attention to something that he considered remarkable, or to some want of his, but he never went whining about.

Three fat bags of silver, he said, would he pay me for the white hunter with the white hair. It is the will of Allah!" The colonel's head sank upon his knees. Kathlyn patted his shoulder. "Father, I tell you mind not the mouthings of a vile guru. We shall soon be free." "Kit, this time, if I return to Allaha, I shall die. I feel it in my bones." "And I say no!" The chief turned to Ramabai.

In his general uneasiness, in his hankering for any sort of information that would help his affairs, the young man was tempted to follow the provocative Elias and pin him down to something definite; the flashes of shrewd sanity in the fanatic's mouthings had encouraged Frank to believe that the Prophet was not quite as much of an ingenuous lunatic as his gab and garb suggested.

"I had thought this agitation largely the mouthings of professional agitators a part of the labor-leaders' plan to pose as the watch-dogs of the rights of the California laboring man." "That is sheer buncombe carefully fostered by a very efficient corps of Japanese propagandists.

From the sweetness and delicacy of the reception atmosphere the polite cooings, posturings, and mouthings so charming to contemplate, so alluring in her she had dropped on the instant to that native animal condition that shows itself in fear. Her eyes had a look of hunted horror, her lips and cheeks were pale and drawn.

He preferred, however, to die fully clothed, and when, in response to his pointing up the bank and to his inarticulate mouthings, one of the secret police examined the bit of woodland with his pocket flash, he found a pair of trousers where Nikky had left them, neatly folded and hung over the branch of a tree.

He also blasphemes who attributes to a creature what belongs to God alone, or can be said only of holy things, who drags down the sacred to the level of the profane. Revilings against God are happily rare; when met with, they are invariably the mouthings of self-styled atheists or infidels whose sanity is not always a patent fact.

"I'm going to tear down my house." The men of Egypt goggled at him. "Aye! And start off with it?" queried the Prophet. "Good riddance!" But Mr. Britt was not troubling himself about the mouthings of Elias. "I shall put a crew on it to-morrow. A city contractor will arrive here this afternoon with equipment and men. But he can also use all the local men who want to work.

The annals of this Ninth Crusade are yet to be written, the tale of a mission that seemed to our age far more quixotic than the quest of St. Louis seemed to his. Behind the mists of ruin and rapine waved the calico dresses of women who dared, and after the hoarse mouthings of the field guns rang the rhythm of the alphabet. Rich and poor they were, serious and curious.

He pours out the torrents of his ridicule, not indiscriminately upon the works of the old masters themselves though he regarded Nature as the grandest of all the old masters but upon those half-baked sycophants who bend the knee to an art they do not understand, an art of which they feign comprehension by mouthings full of cheap and meaningless tags.