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"The moon'll be shinin' all night, Boy," were his last words. "Yer can cross the river before eight o'clock. Ef ye git lost on t'other side ax yer way frum the fust house ye come to " The Boy nodded, and when had fixed his bare toes in the stirrups he leaned low and whispered: "You won't give up, Pa, will ye? You'll fight for her till I get back?"

The moon'll be up before you get turned around, at that rate!" "You shet yore haid!" Applehead retorted at the full capacity of his lungs and with an absolute disregard for Luck's position as director of the company. "Who's leadin' this here burro you er me? Fer two cents I'd come back and knock the tar outa you, Luck!

I'm sorry to pairt wi' ye, lad, sae unexpectedly, but in thae times, when folk are called on to pairt wi' their heids unexpectedly, we mauna compleen." "I'll take your advice gladly," said Wallace. "When will Quentin Dick be ready to start?" "In less than an hour. The moon'll be up soon after that. It's o' nae use startin' on sae dark a nicht till she's up, for ye'll hae to cross some nasty grund.

There's moss under the tree an' there's where the redskins'll lay down to rest." "I've got that; now out with your plan." "Wal, I calkilate it's this. The moon'll be up in about an hour. We'll crawl as we've never crawled afore, because Helen's life depends as much on our not makin' a noise, as it does on fightin' when the time comes.

"The cards don't fall right they don't, they don't. They've been against me from the first. I'm always forcing the play." Whereupon I knew that go together we should, or I was no man. "Pshaw, pshaw," Jenks soothed. "Matters ain't so bad. We'll fix ye out and cover your trail. Moon'll be up in a couple o' hours. I'd advise you to take an hour's start of it, so as to get away easier.

When he started in the other direction after hastily eating the meal, he knew he should be out until past moonrise, and told Lot so. "I'll come and meet you," said his campmate. "No need. Reckon I can find my way back alone," said Enoch. "The moon'll be up by seven and it's nigh full." It was so, yet Enoch had no thought when he left the camp that he would be as long delayed as he was.

"What, indeed? And you'll not be home a day and night before you'll be tossing and hushing him, and the moon'll not be too good for him to have, should he cry for it!" "Johnny Graeme?" "No. Angus Graeme!" "Oh! Margray has a son? Why didn't you tell me before?" "When you were so eager to know!" "It's all in my letters, I suppose.

"No fear," put in 'Bert, proudly exhibiting and flashing a cheap electric torch. "They gave me this at St Martin's and in less than an hour the moon'll be up." "But the paper says there be so many spies about eh, Mr Nanjivell?" "Damme," groaned Nicky-Nan, "I should think there were! Well, if there's military work afoot, at this rate, I'd better clear.

"Another moon'll see her on the staff," he prophesied, as we prepared to go out-bush for Easter. The Easter moon had come in dry and cool, and at its full the Wet lifted, as our traveller had foretold.