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"Look here, Pete," he said; "tell him I know it was my fault. Tell him I took a Steve Brody. I wanted to see if the old cuckoo had any pep in 'er. When I " "Pourquoi? Nom de Dieu! Qu'est-ce que je vous ai dit? Jamais faire comme ça! Jamais monter avec le vent en arrière! Jamais! Jamais!" The others listened in hilarious silence while the interpreter turned first to one and then to the other.

"De monter

Riding was just coming into high fashion with the French ladies; and, instead of riding in men's clothes, and like a man, it was now the ambition de monter a cheval a l'Angloise: to ride on a side-saddle and in an English riding habit was now the ambition.

Certains personnes font monter son trésor

"Now, they may chant your miserere," cried the youngster. A second shot from the fore-cross-trees laid another Frenchman alongside of his companion. "Comment! diable! nous serons abimes par ces enfans la; il faut monter." The muskets were again loaded, and again each boy brought down his bird, before the Frenchmen could decide upon their operations.

She shrieked; Hozier fancied she had sprained an ankle; but before she could utter any sort of explanation the apparition in uniform was by her side, and murmuring words that were evidently meant to be reassuring. Seeing that he was not understood, he broke into halting French. "Courage, madame!" he said. "Il faut monter encore un peu et donc vous êtes arrivé . . . Ça y est! Voilá!

"But no, better sing 'Cinq sous. Now, Kolya, your hands on your hips, make haste, and you, Lida, keep turning the other way, and Polenka and I will sing and clap our hands! "Cinq sous, cinq sous Pour monter notre menage." "Now it's particularly necessary to behave nicely and genteelly, that all may see that you are well-born children.

"Oberbruck, ou nous avions été la précédente fois, se trouva sur notre route, et nous y passames aussi la nuit, dans l'espérance de pouvoir monter le lendemain sur le Brocken; mais il fut encore enveloppé de nuages; ainsi nous continuâmes

"Oh," said Auber, "je connais ces amities-la; on dit que l'amour et l'amitie sont frere et soeur. Cela se peut, mais ils ne sont pas du meme lit." Auber said, "Certainement, mais j'aime mieux monter que descendre." In other words, J'aime mieux mon the que des cendres. How can people be so quick-witted? Auber has given me all his operas, and I have gone through them all with him for his music.

A la fin de la seconde journée je fus saisi d'une fièvre ardente, si forte qu'il me fut impossible d'aller plus loin. Mes quatre compagnons, bien désolés de mon accident, me firent monter un âne, et me recommandèrent